13. September 1st

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   Fred and I were fighting death eaters back to back. I grew more exhausted by the second as I shoot hexes at the two death eaters in front of me. "Crucio!" The death eater yells toward me as I fall back on Fred; he catches me.
   "Expelliarmus!" He yells at the death eater. I clutch my stomach with tears stinging my eyes, from the pain that ran throughout my body. Fred pointed his wand toward the death eater. The only thing that I could make out through my pounding ears were Fred voice saying, "i'll snap it in half I promise to God-I'll snap it in half. Not only that-i'll kill you. I'll ...ing kill you if you don't take it back." And with that the death eater took me out of my misery.
   I sigh as I could breathe normally again. Fred wipes the tears from my eyes, "you alright?" He asks me.
   "Yeah. I-I think." I respond as the two of us jump up. Death eaters surround us and I feel my smile begin to fade. You can do this. You can do this. You can do this. Repeated over and over again in my mind.
   Those spells were being thrown every which way. My grip around Fred's arm tightens. A few seconds later my stomach sinks. "Avada Kedavra!"
   I turn around to see Fred fall down. Before he reaches the ground I catch him. "Stupefy!" I yell back. I was crying as I watch his smile fade on his face, his eyes beginning to close.
   "I love you." He says, closing his eyes.
   I yell bloodcurdling screams as I shout, "YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!"
   "WAKE UP...
   Please Fred. Please."

   I wake up to members of the order, along with everyone else that was staying at twelve grimmauld place. Above of me already shaking simultaneously, Fred was standing there.
   All of them were hovering above me, worried expressions flood the room. I was practically in a pool of sweat. Fred and George were holding each of my hands. "You had bloodcurdling screams. My God, are you alright?" "You're shaking, what happened?" Said Fred and George at the same time.
   Remus hands me a cup of tea and I quickly drink it. I almost started to cry as I remember how I could-maybe-tell the future. I watched Fred die.
   "I f-f-fine." I say, still shaking. "Really. J-just a nightmare."
   "It didn't seem like 'just a nightmare'". Said Ron. Harry and Hermione nod in agreement.
   "Well, let's give her some space, she seems like she needs some of it." Arthur says to everyone. They all nod, except Fred and George. 
   Besides the twins, Tonks was the last one to leave. When she shuts the door I give Fred and George a tight hug. "Can't. Breathe." The two of them say. I loosen my grip around the two of them.
   "Yeah, I'm braiding your hair." They say in sync, again. They gingerly use my hairbrush to comb through my hair. The two of them knew that doing my hair would make me feel calm.
   My breath begins to steady as they finish. I smile. Just to make me angry my brain was doing all of these mad dreams. And with that, I didn't think anything of it.

   I finish getting ready as I smile to myself. I was going home today. Home. Hogwarts.
   Us students head outside to go into the car to make our way to Kings Cross station. The car ride was something like torture.
   Hermione and Ron were arguing about S.P.E.W for the millionth time. Fred and George were singing, not to mention-very out of key. Everyone would always push me to the middle of the car because I was smallest. Fred and George were complaining about there not being enough space for their long legs, so they pile their legs on me. I roll my eyes. Ginny was staring at Harry the whole time. Causing him to look a bit uncomfortable.
   When we finally reach the station, we being racing to platform 9 3/4. The train would leave at eleven...it was currently ten fifty two. Muggles were starting to frown at us as my trolley (from how fast I was running) would go in different directions.
   I run through the brick wall between platforms nine and ten. As I board the Hogwarts express, Hermione, Ron, and Harry go their own direction-George, Fred and I in a different direction.
   We head to our usual compartment. We open the door-standing there was a couple of first years. "Oh, sorry. Do you all normally sit here?" One of them says. The three of them run into a different compartment. "It's okay! You can still sit here!" I yell to them. I don't think that they heard me, they kept on walking.
   We walk in and sit down. George opposite as Fred and I. I rest my head in Fred's lap as he plays with my hair. "Awe. You guys are cute. Disgusting. But cute." George says, a bit disappointed.
   I hear the door open and the three of us turn our heads. It was Alli. "Hi. 'Sup. Missed you guys." she says. I jump up and hug her.
   "Alli! How was your summer!" I ask, still hugging her.
   "Pretty bad, cause SOMEBODY DIDN'T SEND ME A LETTER!" Alli yells to the three of us.
   I shrug. "I'm sorry. Alli, I was a bit busy, actually. I stayed with Fred and George the majority of the summer."
   She looks to Fred and gets closer to me, "so, did you two, y'know..." She whispers so the twins wouldn't hear.
   I roll my eyes and shake my head. "God no. Alli, it's only been a year." I say. I realize that today would mark our anniversary. How could I forget about that?
   "Anything from the trolley?"
   We turn our heads to a woman with a cart of sweets. "Want anything?" Fred ask me.
   "You know I do." I say, handing him a few galleons.
   He walks up to the woman. "One pumpkin pasty and two chocolate frogs." Fred tells her handing her the money.
   He throws one of the chocolate Frog to George and hands me the pumpkin pasty. "Who'd you get?" I say, talking about the chocolate Frog card.
   He glances at it. "Dumbledore." Fred tells me disappointed.
   "You know what's today?" I ask him.
   "September first. Merlin, Meagan, learn the date." Fred replies sarcastically. "It's our anniversary." He says smiling.
   I sigh in relief and laugh. "I thought you forgot."
   "I'd never."
   I fall asleep on his shoulder.

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