3. "She was art."

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Lol this chapter gets a bit depressing...

   As I get up in the morning, I set up the prank I've been meaning to pull on Fred and George, with the help of Alli, of course. It was perfect.
I put glitter, and a bunch of other girly, sparkly stuff into a bucket; that I found in the common room. Not sure why it was there; and put it over the door to the guy's dormitory. For some reason everyday Fred and George would walk out of the guy's dormitory everyday at 8:30. It was like clockwork. So basically they were going to regret dying my hair blue, which managed to come out after five hair washes.
The clock turned 8:25 so I run into a hiding spot. I sit there for a moment and wait for the clock to turn.
Finally I see Fred and George laughing as they get covered in glitter and all. They just stop for a second and look around until I see George holding out a hand and I take it.
Suddenly Fred says "who wants a hug from their favorite boyfriend?" As him and George surround me and start hugging me. I fake scream through laughs.
After torturing me for a while the pull away and I'm covered in glitter as much as they are. The three of us just look at each other for a second and just breakout laughing.
"Oh you're good." They say in sync.
"I know..." I say flipping my long hair over my shoulder.
   Saturday had finally approached and the trip to hogsmeade had finally come. As I walk back to my bed I go to my dresser to get a change in clothes. I was the only one in my dormitory at the time, which felt strange. There was always someone in here. I think of Fred, what was he doing right now?
I sit on my bed realizing that today was the day we go to hogsmeade. Oh my gosh, what am I going to wear, Fred stop you sound like a stereotypical teenage girl. Those thoughts flooded through my head. I can't dress nice, because Meagan always dresses casual, why don't I dress casual, what do I think is causal, what is my causal. Casual. Casual.
   After a while the word sounded to sound strange. I just grab a pair of jeans and a navy sweater. I guess I looked okay. Why should I even care, George was coming, it's not like it was a date with Meg, or anything. I wished it was.
   I decide to just put on some muggle band tee, a cardigan, and some jeans. I always dressed like this. It was all I owned. All I know how to do is causal, dress wise.
   After a while of thinking about what I would wear...wait...since when do I care about what I wear. Thats strange. Maybe I really do like Fred.
About an hour passes and it was 12:00. I guessed it was about time to go. I slip on my shoes and start heading the way to hogsmeade. As I make it right outside from the Great Hall I see Fred alright standing there with his hands in his pockets, with his head down. Awe. Truth is he did look really cute.
To get his attention, I clear my throat, and he looks up with a big smile and I feel my cheeks get hot and turn a shade of pink, and it wasn't from the cold.
"Soooo........" I say while we stand there in an awkward silence. "Where's George?" I say, just a little wanting him to not come.
"He's........busy" Fred says like he was asking a question...or hiding something.
I shake my head, I mean maybe he didn't want to tell me, I hope it was nothing.
"Zonkos?" Fred asks me smiling.
"Race ya" I say somehow hoping he'd say no.
"You're on" I run as fast as my short legs could allow.
As I make it to Zonkos I don't see Fred anywhere, had I beat him here? I start laughing, that would have to be impossible. He's like 3.75 times taller than me. He had long legs.
"Got ya!" Fred says as he jumps out from his hiding spot. Cheeky Fred. Out of nowhere I start fake crying. Why not make him feel guilty again? Wow, I was evil. In the muggle world I had always been acting and in plays and musicals so I could pull off fake crying in an instant. I could use it to my advantage quite often. I had told Fred about my acting once, but I think he had forgotten about it.
"Oh my gosh-I'm sorry" said my boyfriend with an apologetic look as he hugs me tight. It felt really nice. I'd always preferred hugs to kisses. I don't know why, I just have.
"Got ya!" I say immediately stop crying. I kind of felt bad for him. He had looked really guilty.
"Hey, that's not fair. You know I forgotten you've been in theater pretty much your whole life!" Fred says frowning.
"Alright, love, c'mon its cold out here."
And with that we walk into Zonkos and Fred and I buy a lot of things.
We start skipping as we make our way to the three broomsticks for butterbeers. Fred being the perfect boyfriend bought the both of then even though I told him not to like 10 times. Boyfriend. The word kept repeating over and over in my head. Fred Weasley is my boyfriend. Fred Weasley is my boyfriend. Fred Weasley is my boyfriend. Fred Weasley is my boyfriend. No matter how you said it, it sounded perfect.
I tell him dumb jokes. How do fish get high...seaweed. He was always smiling at me. He made me feel so special. I had never had a boyfriend prior to Fred. He made me feel this certain feeling as if I were the only girl in the world, and I know how - cliche it sounds, but I don't care.
I feel happy around him. A happy I hadn't felt in years. The feeling of running downstairs to see what Santa got you on the first Christmas you can remember. That's how I felt about Fred. Wait that sounds weird. Oh, you know what I mean.
For a moment in time we just look at each other blocking out everything else and I feel all melty inside.
Fred and I walk outside greeted by a cold breeze. I don't know why but I start shivering uncontrollably, Fred notices and puts his cardigan on me. I smile.
"Fred, you're seriously trying the oldest trick in the book. Cliche. Thanks anyways though." I say trying to control my laughing. He laughs back.
"Meagan, darling, I was trying to be the perfect boyfriend or whatever. That's what they do, right?" He says giving me a huge smile.
"How would I know, you're the first boyfriend I've had."
"I don't believe that." He says looks confused.
"Really? You've known me for like, ever."
"Yeah, but..."
"Look we should go, it's cold." I say and Fred nods. We start heading towards the castle sharing small talk, which most of the time makes me uncomfortable, but this was Fred. Out of no where Fred picks me up bridal style and starts running because he knew from my tiny legs it would take about an hour to get back to castle when it would only take a fraction of that time for him.
"I swear, Fred Weasley if you drop me I'll-" but I was stopped by the soft, warm feeling of Fred's lips on mine.
"You'll what?" He says smirking and I just stand there with my mouth open and he keeps running with me in his arms.
   We finally approach Hogwarts as Fred puts me down on the ground. We head to the Gryffindor common room, tell the password and head in. We see something that was kind of shocking, kind of exciting. I make a loud sound to clear my throat. Alli and George were making out. I need to know how this happened. Like, what. I glance over at Fred who looks as confused as I was. Alli and George look over to us and turn as red as tomatoes. Fred and I just start laughing. How did-what?
   All four of us sit on the couch in front of the fireplace. We just sit there in silence until I decide to break the silence. "Spill."
   "We were just-just-I don't know, Meg" Said George as I look at him and raise an eyebrow.
   "Alli, can I talk to you, in privacy for a sec." Alli nods and we head into the girls' dormitory. Luckily no one was in there. We just stare at each other for a moment and all of a sudden we jump up and down and start laughing.
   "I know!"
   We hear something move outside the door. "Fred. George we can hear you" I say laughing.
   We hear crap and gosh, dang it.
"George. Tell. Me. EVERYTHING" I say getting really excited. Is been trying to hook Alli and George since about second year.
   "Well, I see her looking through those comic books of hers and Meg's. I go sit next to her and we start talking about those superheroes, that's what they're called, right?. Then one thing led to another an well-you know." George says smiling looking down. He really did like her.
   "Awe is lil Georgie blushing from his girlfriend. Anyways I think Meg and I are going to lunch right now. See you later."
Meg and I skip to the Great hall, hand in hand. We always acted like we were five, and I loved it. Hardly anyone was there eating lunch "where is everyone?" I ask Meagan. She just shrugs sheepishly. She nudges me "hey, Fred wanna hear a joke?" She says with her smile that I had grown so familiar with.
"Duh!" Meg's jokes consisted of puns and sarcasm. Like mine, sort of.
"So the other day I went to the store to get a camouflage shirt, but for some reason, I couldn't find any." She says with a stubborn tone. I find myself laughing. It wasn't even that funny, but I just kept laughing. She laughs with me. God. I love her.
...okay maybe her joke was a little funny.
She walks back to the common room but I take her by the waist and start kissing her. I take in her familiar scent. The ocean and chocolate and makeup powder. Weird combination but for some reason she smelled fantastic. I wanted to breathe it in all day. Tomorrow the contestants for the goblet of fire were going to be picked and I can tell she was excited.
She walks outside and just stands there looking at the sky. Shades of periwinkle and navy marked the sky. I watch her. The hair blowing in her face getting tangled in her glasses: which she only wore to classes. She closes her eyes and she breathes in the natural fall scent of leaves and pumpkin. She was so beautiful. I just watched her, which sounds a little creepy but oh, well. This was my sixth year of knowing her, she did this sometimes. He eyes bolt awake as she grabs my wrist and runs to the common room and I run with her.
She takes out her sketch book and grabs her sketch pencil and starts drawing. I was so amused by this. The was she was so focused. She got that crease between in her eyebrows as she squints here eyes and runs a hand through her hair. She started meddling with her necklace. Her common habit that she did when she was inspired and focused.
She shows me her sketch, that she had been hiding with her arm, because she didn't want me to see, she wanted it to be a surprise. She showed me and it was us four, Meg, Alli, George, and I, all smiling. I smile. She smiles back. Her drawing skills were so fantastic, she'd been wanting to have her art set up in a museum some day, she'd had that dream since she was a baby, she tells me.
She throws the sketchbook down and climbs on top of me and starts kissing me slowly but it soon gets faster. She pulls away and we sit in a comfortable silence.
"Will you play something for me?" I ask and she knew exactly what I meant. She runs upstairs and gets her violin, I still question why she had it in hogwarts, but I don't judge. She gets it out of her case and plays a lovely melody with a smile on her face. She was art. My love.
   I play for hours. I play till the tips of my fingers ache from the stings. I play till I run out of new sheet music to play. I play till Fred was asleep.
   Time hadn't existed when I played music...Or when I kissed Fred. I looked over to his sleeping body on the couch of the common room. His breaths deep and steady like a metronome. I just watched him for God knows how long. I feel a smile sketch upon my face. I grab my drawing pad and draw him. I know how creepy it had sounded, but I didn't care.
   I draw the freckle next to his on his cheek bone. The small scar on the bottom oh his jaw line, from a prank.
   I glance at the clock. 3:00 am. I sit down next to Fred and lightly tap him on the shoulder. I see his eyes open slightly but then shut again. I've seen him do this way too many times. He was trying to act asleep. I nudge him again, harder this time. Again, he still acts asleep
   I lay on top of him so back was on top of his face. I start laughing. Yet he was still sleeping. Kay. I got this.
    "Weasley, I know you're awake!"
Again, acts asleep.
   "Fine, I guess you're not getting a good night kiss" I say standing. That got him to wake up. He starts kissing me. I run my fingers through his ginger  hair put pull back, maybe too fast. Fred makes a pouty face and I just laugh and so does he.
   "C'mon, time for you to go to bed, love..." I say as he gets up stubbornly. We thread our hands together, (I mean not literally, but you know what I mean).
   I make it up to my bed and once my heat hits my pillow, I fall asleep. I was exhausted.
"TELL ME WHERE THAT HARRY POTTER IS, YOU FILTHY MUDBLOOD." Yelled a face I recognized as Bellatrix.
"I swear, I don't know. Even if I did, I definitely wouldn't tell you!" I yell back."
I was about to shoot hexes at her until I realize that my wand was no where to be seen.
"Crucio!" She yells. I feel a pain go through me. I felt tears start to sting my eyes from the pain. I clench my stomach, though I knew that it wouldn't help. I grit my teeth so hard I taste blood. My clenched nails leaving marks along the metal floor.
   I get up with a smile on my face. Which was a first, I hate mornings. Doesn't Everyone?
   Today was the day Fred and George were going to try to put their names in the goblet of fire. I know aging potions work, but I was trying to be a little supportive. Truth is if I had the chance to enter the triWizard Tournament, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Who wouldn't?
   I get out of bed and get out my usual uniform. I was feeling confident today. I pulled my skirt up just a little bit and pulled up my sleeves. Took of my glasses, even though I could hardly see. I stood up straight. Put my hair in a messy, yet cute bun. I looked older. Like I was actually sixteen and not thirteen, like I always did. I look in the mirror. I didn't look or feel like myself at all. I frowned.
   Alli walks in "oh my-MEAGAN YOU LOOK HOT!" I just shrug. I didn't feel 'hot'. I never wanted to look older, or feel older. That's just not me. I was the girl who was childish. Who didn't give a blank about what people thought of her, since when did I care.
   I walk out of the common room with my books and an extra sketch pad, just in case I was feeling inspired. I start heading to where Fred and George would put there names in the Goblet of fire.
   Suddenly I'm stopped by a few Slytherins who had stepped in front of me. They took my books and saw my sketch pad. Shit, i thought.
   "Oooo what do we have here?" The girl said. Pansy. She started tearing the pages out of the sketch book and started crumbling them. Tearing the pages in twos, threes, fours. Those sketches were my life. I felt my eyes start stinging. I needed to be strong.
   "Stop!" I say with a cold tone. The two guys behind pansy I didn't know. Pansy nods towards the guys and they pick my up. They shove in a close out of nowhere and start punching me. I start sobbing. Fred. Where the hell was Fred. Or George. Or Alli.  In between sobs I managed to get out "please-stop" I hadn't focused on the physical pain. It was more mental.
   "You know that boyfriend of yours?" Pansy asked with a cold grin. I just nod. Warmness flooding my heart as I think of Fred. "Well he told be the other day that you annoyed him. And that you sucked at Violin. As he was describing you, you did sound annoying, you take everything too seriously, not everything's inspiring you know, you're too childish anyways for anyone to love you."
   "No.no. Fred would never say something like that!" I say defining my love.
   "Oh really-how else would I know that you play Violin?" She says coldly. It was true. How did she? I start sobbing uncomfortably as they punch me harder. It had been so long since I've felt worthless, but I was feeling worthless. Where the hell was Fred.
"Ready Fred?"
   "Ready George?"
   "Bottoms up!" We say as we take a sip of the aging potion as I take a looks for Meg. Where the hell was she. She was probably drawing and lost track of time.
   George and I put our names in the goblet. Suddenly these blue, thin clouds of smoke came out and we were old. That was weird. George and I start beating each other up. We wait a few minutes and finally we were back to our normal age. Thank Merlin. Everyone's cheering and laughing was startled by Krum walking in to put in his name.
   After a few minutes I start to get worried. Where the hell was Meagan? I tell George I'm leaving and he just shrugs. I run to the common room. She want there. Where was she? I start fast walking my hands shaking. Where is she constantly flooding in and out of my mind.
   I hear sobs coming from somewhere. I was alone. I listen...Meg! It was Meagan. I look around. There was only one door. A closet.
   I open it up. Three Slytherins turn around and before they could do anything I start hexing them. I'll probably get in trouble for that Later, oh well.
   I run over the Meagan and start hugging her. Tight. She cries into my chest as I rub her back.
   "Meagan. I'm so so so so sorry. What is wrong with me. I should've been there. What the hell is wrong with me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I say over and over again, partly for myself. I kiss away the tears. We just sit there for a while.
Meagan's POV
   Fred holds me and whispers I love you over and over. I tell him everything. Everything. I tell him about how worthless I felt. How i needed him.
   The words of pansy replay in My head. I felt a suddenly range rise in me as I pull the door open and grit my teeth. Pansy and the other two guys were laying on the floor clutching their stomachs, groaning from pain from when Fred hexed them.
   With as much force as I think was possible from my tiny body I kicked the three of them in the stomach. I was mad at myself for doing it. Fred had s vulgar expression on his face.
   Was I seriously thinking that there's something going on with Fred and pansy.
   Fred and I head back to the common room.
   As soon as I step into the common room I feel Fred's lips against mine. I put my hands on the sides of his face. I smile. He smiles back. Gosh dang it, I was in love.
   His lips finds their way to my neck. I start laughing uncontrollably. It tickled.
   "Fred! Stop that tickles!" I say laughing. Out of nowhere he starts tickling my sides. I laugh. Like a lot.
   "Eh-get a room..." I hear Alli say as she walks in from the girls dormitory holding hands with George.
   "Um-we are in a room!" I tell Alli. Fred laughs as he puts a loose strand of my hair behind my ear but it falls right back to where it was and he laughs again.
"So Alli-," Fred says turning his head to Alli "how are you and George-eh?" He says smirking wiggling his eyebrows.

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