11. Goodbye year six

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   Today marked the very last day of my sixth year. We were having the leaving feast, which in my opinion was the best part of each year. It felt like this year was probably the most insane year. As I sit in between George and Fred I think about everything that had gone on this year. I reflect.
   To start off  the year I think of the quidditch World Cup.
I was back home. Kentucky. I sit in my room. Laying on my bed; I read a old paperback novel that was passed down from my older sister. I put was most likely the hardest and painful book to read from its lexile range. With the book resting on top of my face, like a roof, I had almost fallen asleep from the boredom of the book until I hear a tap on my window.
   Like the reasonable person I am, I get up to check it. I see Fred, George, and Arthur Weasley standing next to their flying car. Fred was holding rocks and throwing them at my window. "This isn't some romantic comedy, you know!" I yell at him. He motions for me to come down. Hold on I mouth to the three of them. As I pack my things up it hadn't even come across me. How did they get here? They live over seas.
   I say bye to my muggle parents and head out the doors. "What are you three doing here" I ask them, trying to be straight foreword.
   "Quidditch World Cup!" The twins say together. I shake my head. Think about it for a while.
   "Let's do this!"
   Fred sees me thinking about the memories of this year "Meagan, are you okay? Is something bothering you? You seem very concentrated on something."
   "It's nothing, just thinking of the Quidditch World Cup." When I say that he smiles.
   "Kentucky's lovely, by the way." I break out into laughter.
   I think of a few puns "oi, wanna hear a joke?" He raises an eyebrow an sighs sadly. I punch his arm and he smiles. "Hey, have you heard about that new Velcro? It's a ripoff." And with that George breaks into sarcastic laughter and I slap his arm; ow he mouths to me.
   We sit in silence "Do you remember the Yule Ball?" I finally break the silence and laugh. After a few minutes Alli drags me off somewhere on the dance floor and I wave bye to Fred and her does the same. I dance with her and Angelina. I dance with them until, what felt like 45 minutes. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind me. I turn around to find Fred kissing my neck. I giggle. He kissed me on my lips. He tasted like alcohol. "Fred, have you had any Firewhiskey? How many have you had?" I asked him being serious.
   "Three." He says holding up five fingers.
   "Merlin, Fred, you're drunk. Jesus, you're only 16!" I yell at him worriedly. I take his arm and start dragging him to the common room. It was nearing midnight and most of the Gryffindors were still at the ball. We make it to the common room and I take Fred to boys dormitory. I wrapped his arm around me for support.
    I help him into his bed. I find a little trashcan and put it next to his bed. "Hold on." I tell him as I run to my room to get a pain killer, sun glasses and a bottle of water. I run back to Fred. "These are for your hangover you're going to have tomorrow morning." He smiles.
"Meagan, will you read to me?" He asks me. I think about it for a while.
"Oh, all right." I say as I grab one of the novels next to his bed. I read for about 30 minutes until I see him yawn.
   "Meagan, has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" Me says slurring his words. "Or how like super nice you areandithinkiloveyou." He says fast.
   "What?" I ask him.
   "You heard me. I think I love you. No. I Know I love you. Ever since I was eleven." I feel my face turn pale. He was in love with me. I smiled and got out a laugh. I shook my head.
   "Fred, you're drunk." I tell him before kissing him on the cheek and closing the door. "Merry Christmas, Fred." I whisper to him.

Out of nowhere Dumbledore stood on top of the staff table and everywhere throughout the great hall became quiet. "The end, of another year. There is much that I would like to say to you all tonight but I must first acknowledge the loss of a very fine person, who should be sitting here, enjoying our feast with us. I would like you all, please, to stand, and raise your glasses, to Cedric Diggory." Dumbledore said at once, looking at the hufflepuff table.
All of us stood up, all of us. Slytherins, Ravenclaws, Gryffindors, and Hufflepuffs and all held up their goblets. "Cedric Diggory." All of us said, the name echoing in one rumbling voice throughout the great hall.
Dumbledore continued, "Cedric was a person who exemplified many of the qualities that distinguish Hufflepuff house. He was a good and loyal friend, a hard worker, he valued fair play. His death has affected all of you, whether you knew him well or not. I think that you have the right to know exactly how it came about. Cedric Diggory was murdered by Voldemort."
Panicked whispers echo through the great hall. "I dreamed that. I promise to God, I dreamed that." I whisper to Fred. His eyes got big.
"The ministry of magic, does not wish me to tell you this. It is impossible that some of your parents will be horrified that I have done so. Either because they not believe that Voldemort has returned, or because they think I should not tell you so, young as you are. It is my belief that the truth is generally preferable to lies, and that any attempt to pretend that Cedric died as the result of an accident, or some sort of blunder of his own, is an insult to his memory. There is somebody else who must be mentioned in connection with Cedric's death, Harry Potter." Most students' heads turn to look at Harry. I feel Fred's grip around my arm tighten.
"Harry Potter managed to escape Lord Voldemort. He risked his own life to return Cedric's body to Hogwarts. He showed, in every respect, the sort of bravery that few wizards have ever shown in facing lord Voldemort, and for this, I honor him." Dumbledore continues. I turn my gaze to Harry and smile at him and he smiles back. Everyone stood up and raised their goblets to Harry, then sat back down.
Dumbledore continues, "Every guest in this hall, will be welcomed back here at any time should they wished to come. I say to you all, once again-in the light of Lord Voldemort's return, we are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided. Lord Voldemort's gift for spreading discord and enmity is very great. We can fight it only by showing an equally strong bond of friendship and trust. It is my belief, and never have I so hoped that I am mistaken, that we are all facing dark and difficult times. Some of you in this hall have already suffered directly at the hands of Lord Voldemort. Many of your families have been torn asunder. A week ago, a student was taken from our midst. Remember Cedric. Remember. If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort. Remember Cedric Diggory." Dumbledore finished his speech. And with that applause ran throughout the great hall.
Fred leaned closed to my ear and whispered "do you think what I'm thinking?"
"And by your thinking, do you mean, pranking?" I ask him.
He nods. "All right then. Snape?" Fred and George nod, more.. "Well, George, Fred? Let's do this!"

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