Chapter 17

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   You know when it feels like everything seems to be crashing down. To say the least, getting back to Hogwarts felt like hell.
   I skip on my way to the great hall. I don't know why, but why not, y'know? I had hardly managed to finish slipping on my Gryffindor tie from rushing out the portrait so fast. I was just eager to get breakfast from how hungry I actually was. Noticing no one was around I decide to hum Something by the Beatles. By looking at me, you could definitely tell I was bored - and I was.
   I straightened my cloak a bit before pushing open the doors to the Great Hall open. I didn't want another detention with Umbridge (she was quite strict about these things, so why not make sure I was close to perfect looking). I winced from the sound of her name. I walk into the great hall and excitedly walk over to my usual seat. I feel my large smile fade into a frown.
   I see Fred cheating on me.
   I shake my head and make sure that it want George. It wasn't. I look to see Pansy Parkinson forcing herself on Fred, or at least that's what I hoped she was forcing herself on him. I'm sorry that came out wrong - Oh you know what I mean. From how disgusting the sight of it was, I didn't want to see it anymore. I just run out the great hall - my appetite was gone anyways.
   I shake my head again. My eyes must have deceived me. My best friend; the guy I was in love with would have the audacity to even think about doing that.
   Trust me, you would be shocked as well. The only thing that I could think of at the time to do was to go back up to the Gryffindor tower. George and Alli happened to be nowhere to be seen, so I couldn't even talk to anyone about this. I felt lonely again. I guess what they say is true. 'All good things come to an end' : but what if I didn't want it to end? I guess whenever there were no problems, that's a problem. But cheating on me?! I mean how low can you be?

   Breakfast had just begun. Like always I was one of the first people there, it had always been that way. I put my head in my hands as I wait for Meg to get here. George was most likely sleeping still. Typical.
   I hear laughing behind me but before I could turn around, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I just assumed that it was Meagan so I begin turn around. "Oh hey Meag-"
   "-hey Fred." She said in a silky voice.
   It want Meagan, though. In fact, at least I believe, it was some fifth year Slytherin named Pansy, or something. Before I could say something she starts climbing on me. "What the hell! You're like fifteen!" I yell as I attempt to shove her off me.
   She tries to get back on me, but I just above her off me and walk out of the Great Hall. I make out someone running as I head out but I wasn't close enough to see who it was.

   I look up to see a couple form across the corridor. Without looking at them for a while, or at least a short period of time, you could tell they were in love. You could see in the way they looked at each other.
Was I even in love?

   Watching them reminded me of how lovely I felt.

   "Whatever." I mutter as I storm off to the Gryffindor tower. I was having such an awesome day and then this happened. 'Shut up, Meg! You're a completely independent woman! You don't need a man!' My mind screamed at me.
   I guess I hadn't realized it before. I just decide to fake being sick and to just lay in my bed the entire day. The only thing that would make me feel any better was to grab my sketchbook and some pencils and pens.
   I don't even think of what I wanted to draw, I just scribble something down on the the paper. Sometimes if you just start scribbling something down it would actually turn into something - At least that's how it is for me. I knew that I would get weeks of detention if Umbridge found out I was hiding here all day for absolutely no reason.
   I gently place my sketchbook under my bed and lay down. I pull my blankets over my head and begin to feel tears start. It had been so long since I've cried. Fred would always be there for me on the deep and depressing nights.
   Something in the the back on my head kept telling me that what happened was only Pansy's fault.
   Lunch time was starting. Before I had underestimated how hungry I actually was. I was starving from not eating in what felt like days. My stomach felt like it was controlling my entire body. The pain was border-line excruciating.
   I begin to face my fears and force myself to walk to the Great hall. I tried to keep my head down the entire time so no one would see my red, puffy face from crying so much.
   As I walk down from the Gryffindor common room to the Great hall, I see Draco Malfoy sitting on a bench facing a Hogwarts courtyard. He looked quite upset, a tad depressed actually. I sit next to him. We tolerated each other - the only Gryffindor who did.
   He looks over to me and nods. "What's going on on?" I quietly ask him. He shakes his head. I nod: I didn't want him to force him to tell me.
   "What 'bout you?" He asks back. When he spoke his voice was shaking and unsettling. I shake my head from not wanting to talk about it. We sit there for a few minutes until I sigh and say, "Can you do me a favor?"
   "Depends on what it is."
   "Can-you-be-my-pretend boyfriend?" I ask him super quickly. I guess he understood so he shrugs. "It'll only be for a few minutes, Draco." After a short moment he nods.
"I thought you were dating that Weasley." He quietly mutters.
"It's a little complicated right now . . . ."
He sits there quietly for a couple minutes. "Thank you."
   I turn to face him and slightly laugh. "Uh - you're welcome, I guess. Why what did I do?"
   He looks back at me. "You called me Draco."
   "That's your name, isn't it?" He deeply sighs and simply shakes his head. We sit there in a comfortable silence for a few more minutes. "Well
time to bring out your inner thespian."

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