10. Book talk

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   George had walked off with Alli, who without her control was covered in her tears. She had looked so miserable. It made my stomach feel as if it was falling. I'd never seen her sad before. What the hell is wrong with me? Why had I hated Cedric so much. I don't think that he's ever done something to me. I was a horrible person. What has he done for me to hate him. I looked over to Cedric's girlfriend, Cho, who seemed to look like she was about to kill herself. I didn't blame her, though. The guy that she was in love with just died. I couldn't imagine how I'd if I lost Fred.
   Fred and I get up, along with everyone else. We were on our way back to the castle from the quidditch field. I looked around me. Everyone had tears coming out of their eyes, including Fred and I. Fred put his arm around me as he pulled me in for a hug.
   I wrap my arms around him and he rest his head in the crook on my neck. I could hear him crying. I rub his back, and he does the same to me. "What the heck is wrong with us?" He ask; so softly I could hardly hear and I was right there next to him.
   With that, I sobbed even harder into his chest. He was right. What was wrong with us. "C'mon..." I mumble and he lets go of me and we walk back to the castle.
   My face was beginning to soften from my tears, I knew the same was for Fred. We hadn't said anything since that. We were completely silent. A few people were walking back next to us. We hadn't dared to even make eye contact. Fleur was one of them. Her eyes were big. She was looking quite stunned.
   Fred and I hadn't said anything. I shook my head and ignored what was going on.
   We walk into Hogwarts and make our way to the Gryffindor common room. It was nearing dark and for once, I felt tired. Really, really tired. I wasn't feeling like an insomniac, for the first time, in well, quite a long time.
Crap! I thought to myself. Of course I had homework. Well, i guess dormwork. Because, you know, I live at my school. God, I starting to sound like a freaking psycho. I grab my muggle-studies and potion text books and sit on the couch in front of the fire place.
   I write a bit. Four and a half pages on some potion, that I didn't even know anything about. I basically just rewrote the same thing, over and over again, to fill over four pages... And copied parts in the textbook.
   After about two hours I had filled up five pages of parchment. I sigh in relief. I was finally done. The actual reason that I had done all of my homework was because I wanted something to take my mind off of things. Specifically, Cedric.
   I find myself facing a black abyss and darkness. It had been sleep greeting me, For what had felt like the first time in a long time. I rest my head on my potions book and close my eyes. Sleep was calling my name. I smile as I could sleep. Sleep.
"FRED.NO-!" I yell as I see Fred fall to the ground with a smirk on his face from the pickup line he had just told me. Percy catches him from his fall. I watch his eyes roll to the back of  his head and his eyes slams shut. I feel my eyes build up with tears.
   I knew exactly what was going on. The soon to happen battle.
   "MEG!" I hear as my eyes bolt open to see Fred hovering over me, holding my text books and pieces of parchment. I feel my face drenched in tears. "My God. Are you okay, you were screaming. But seriously. Are you okay!" He ask, in a tone that sent a chill down my spine. I've never heard him scared like that before.
   "Fred! Fred! Oh my-you're alive!" I shout as I jump up into Fred's arms. He raised an eyebrow.
   "Love, I'm fine. I'm alive. My main priority is that you're okay. By the looks of it you aren't-wait a second. Are you high?" He ask, with a huge grin plastered on his face.
   "What? God no!" I admit.
   He stares at me for a few seconds and raises both of his eyebrows. "...sure." He states sarcastically and turns around to walk up to his dorm; after he hands me my homework and books.
   He stops at the steps and faces me. "You sure you're not high?" I shoot a death glare at him. "Sorry! But really. Are you okay?" He said with a concerned expression. I shake my head.  
   "Can I sleep I'm your bed tonight?"
    "Yes. Yes. Of course." He says, putting an arm around me and we head up the steps.
   Fred opens up the door for me as I walk in into his dorm, which was shared with George and Lee, though Lee never was in there. It made me curious on where he was every night.
   It was messy. I smiled. "Sorry 'bout the mess." He tells me. I just shrug it off. I was messier than he was, though I'd never tell him that.
   George was sprawled all over his bed. He drooled when he was asleep which I laughed at.  Fred and I jumped into Fred's bed together. Obviously nothing would happen. We wouldn't do it or anything. I put my head on his chest and he wraps his arm around me. We sit like that for a few minutes. In complete silence. "You d-died. I watched you die. We were at the battle that I assume will happen soon. Voldemort's back." I say finally to break the silence. He pulls me closer and kisses my head.
   "I'm okay. You're okay. We're okay. We're okay." Fried whispered in my ear causing shivers to send down my spine. he repeated those eight words over and over again.
   "Meg? What are you doing in here?"
   It was George, who had jut woke up, causing Fred and I to jump. He had that raspy, morning voice that you had when you just wake up.
   "Just ignore it" I say to him as I wrap my arms around Fred.
   Fred was right. I was okay. He was okay. We're okay.

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