Chapter 16

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"EXPRESSO PATRONUM!" Yells Fred. We were practicing defensive spells for the D.A. Fred seemed to be having problems, so I was helping him.
"Freddie, we aren't ordering something at Starbucks-"
"-What's Starbucks?"
"Uh, Never mind. Okay try again with me, EXPECTO PATRONUM!" As I said that, a misty, blue dolphin jumped out of the end of my wand. "Okay, now you try it."
"Meagan, I can't do this."
"Oh, don't say that. Here let me help. Okay first things first, think of a really happy memory."
He closed his eyes. After a moment he smiled. "Okay. What now?"
"Alright, now very clearly; expecto Patronum."
"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" After he said the two words, out came a stag from the end of his wand.
I begin to jump up and down. "YOU DID IT!" I throw my hair over my shoulder. "You're welcome, by the way . . ." I say overconfidently.
"Thank you Meagan." Fred then hugs me. "A dolphin, huh?"
"A stag, huh?"
The two of us laugh.

-later that day at Quidditch-
"Oh Merlin's beard, Harry. Are you alright?" I say hovering over Harry, who just was hit by a Bludger.
"Meagan, yeah I'm fine." Harry says, as I help him up. I sigh from relief.
"Saved Weasley's neck, haven't you? I've never seen a worse Keeper, but then he was born in a bin. Did you like my lyrics, Potter?" I hear behind me. I turn around to see Draco yelling at Harry. "We wanted to write another couple verses! But we couldn't find rhymes for fat and ugly - we wanted to sing about his mother, see-"
I face Draco. "Draco, look I swear, you should just leave now." I tell him, trying to sound calm.
For some reason, Draco continues. "-we couldn't fit in useless loser either, for his father, y'know-"
Fred and George next to me, who had been ignoring what Draco was saying, turn around. The two of them were about to beat the shit out of them, I hold them back. "Fred. George. Just let him yell. He's just upset that he lost. Just leave it-"
Draco turns to Harry again. 'Not going to lie, I kind of ship it.' I say in my mind "-but you like the Weasleys, don't you, Potter? Can't see how you stand the stink, but I s'pose when you've been dragged up by muggles even the Weasleys' hovel smells okay-"
"Oh . . . No! First of all, Fred and George smell amazing." I whisper, still holding the two of them back-along with Alli, and Angelina. Right after I say that, I see Alli slightly smile.
"Or perhaps, you can remember what your mother's house smelled like, Potter."
That comment pushed it. My grip around George released and George and Harry were running at Draco. Not only that, George was swearing at him like mad.
"IMPEDIMEMTA!" Someone yelled.
Alli, Angelina and I were still holding back Fred. "What do you think you're doing?" We heard Madam Hooch yell. George's lip was bleeding. Draco's nose was bleeding, and he was whimpering on the ground. "I've never seen behavior like it. Back up to date he castle, both of you. And straight to your all's head of house's office! Go!"
Harry and George ran off the Quidditch pitch, silent to each other.

"Banned?" I brake into laugher. After a few moments, I realize everyone on the Quidditch team was staring at me. "Wait you are kidding, right? She didn't actually ban you guys from playing?" The team had their heads down. "No seeker. No beaters. That- ugh! How are we supposed to even play Quidditch?"
"It's so unfair!" Mumbled Alli beside me.
"Oh and banning Fred? What the heck! He didn't even do anything!" I say, putting my head in my hands.
"Meg, it's not my fault I didn't." Said Fred. "I would've pounded him into a pulp if the three of you weren't holding me back."
I nodded. "I would have, too."
"I'm going to bed. This is absolutely insane." Said Alli, rubbing her eyes.
"Same here!" I say.

-later that night-

As I lay on the cold, hard concrete; slipping in and out of conciseness,
A:N:lol I hope I spelled that correctly
I try to focus on my surroundings. It was dark. I couldn't see anything from the abyss of darkness. Where am I? Ran through my head countless amounts of time. "Meagan?" Said a voice from the shadows. A voice that was oddly familiar.

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