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"Good morning, fellow prisoner of 1994!" Kai calls out enthusiastically, strolling through the doorway.

I groan, supporting my weight up on my elbows and dragging one hand down my face.

"It's," I glance at the digital clock on the wooden stand next to the bed, "seven in the morning. How are you so energetic?"

"Well, it's hard not to be, since after eighteen years, I'm finally going to escape my personal hell," He smiles, leaning against the wall and folding his arms.

Not without a fight, I think to myself.

"Right," I yawn. "I still don't understand why that involves waking me up."

"It doesn't," He shrugs, running a hand through his dark hair. "I just like to take advantage of having some company for once."

"Clearly," I mumble, swinging my legs off the bed and stumbling to my feet tiredly. "I'm gonna go take a shower."

"Maybe I'll join," He falls into step next to me and I shove him lightly.

"Yeah, that'll happen," I shake my head, about to go through the door way when he grabs my arm.

I stop, turning my head to narrow my gaze at him. "What?"

"Look," He lowers his voice, immediately becoming serious. "It's been two days and your friends haven't come back yet. This is my only shot at getting out of here, okay? So, why haven't your little witchy friends come back already?"

"First of all, let go of my arm," I glare at him. He looks down at his grip on my wrist and releases it, stepping back.

I sigh, rubbing my temples as my pessimistic side kicks in and I wonder the same thing he is. Why haven't they come for me yet?

"How should I know?" I snap, the stress of the situation affecting my mood quickly. "You're the one who practically kidnapped me for leverage in this place. I have no way of contacting my friends in the present. So, you're just gonna have to wait and see."

He cocks his head, studying me intently and making me uncomfortable again. "Doesn't it scare you? That maybe they aren't coming back and you're stuck here with me, for eternity?"

I shut my eyes, turning away from him and whispering, "They're coming back."

"Then why are they waiting so long?" Kai continues to push me. His voice is closer now. "Maybe they don't care enough about you, Charlotte. They'd rather keep you locked away here if it means not letting a sociopath escape. I bet they're already trying to get back to their own lives, forgetting that you're trapped here-"

"Shut up!" I whirl around, pushing him back forcefully and he stumbles backwards, catching himself.

"Stop saying that!" My voice shakes and I can feel myself about to cry. "They're not just my friends, they're my family and they will be back for me. I have to believe they will, because the thought of being stuck with you for eternity makes me want to kill myself."

My heavy breaths are the only sounds filling the silence between us.

Kai's lips are parted and his eyebrows were lifted in surprise at my outburst.


"Whatever," I close my eyes again, inhaling a deep breath through my nose and releasing it in an attempt to compose myself.

When I open my eyes, I say to him, "They wouldn't leave me here. You may not understand the concept of family, but it's the most important thing to me. And I know my family wouldn't leave me behind."

Consumed » Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now