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"Charlie, wake up... Charlie..."

A hand grips my shoulder, lightly shaking me out of my comfortable slumber. A groan leaves my lips and I squeeze my eyes shut tighter.

"Five more minutes, Jeremy," I mumble, shoving the hand away and pressing my face into the cushioned seat. A chuckle sounds from next to me, one that definitely doesn't match Jeremy's. My eyebrows pull together and I reluctantly open my eyes to reveal Kai's grinning face a few inches from mine.

"Jeremy... He's your brother, right?" Kai clarifies and I nod, sitting up slowly, stretching my sore limbs.

"How'd you know that?" I ask huskily, unable to recall a time where I'd revealed much about my family to him, besides Elena.

"Bonnie talked about him quite a bit," Kai chuckles. My heart sinks as I recall Jeremy's downfall after Bonnie's seemingly permanent disappearance. He soon resorted to drinking most of his days away, while his nights were reserved for random girls meant to take his mind off the one that truly mattered to him. I wonder if they've reunited yet. Things probably could never go back to the way they used to be, but with a love like those two had, something could be figured out.

Most of all, I just want them to be happy, whether that be together or apart. But after witnessing Jeremy's state during her absence, I figure that's more likely to happen when they're together.

My head turns to focus my gaze on the window in front of me, surprised to see that the night sky that surrounded us when I fell asleep is still present. I expected it to be morning and the lack of change in the sky throws me off slightly. Soon I realize we're no longer flying, the plane currently planted on the ground.

"We're in Mystic Falls?" I ask him, slightly shocked that we made it here in one piece.

"Whitmore. You know, your surprise wounds me," He places a hand over his heart, masking his features with an expression of mock hurt. "Contrary to the doubts you were having before you fell asleep, we actually made it to Virginia unscathed."

I blow out a sigh of relief, leaning back in my seat feeling much more relaxed. "What time is it?"

"Three in the morning."

Kai grabs the magic-filled knife and opens his door, swinging his legs out and jumping down onto the ground. Quickly scanning our surroundings, I realize Kai has landed us just outside of the Whitmore airport. I lean over to open my door, hopping out of the plane with not nearly as much grace as Kai had. Due to my clumsy landing, I stumble forwards, nearly falling face first onto the ground. Kai must've already made his way to my side because he's in front of me suddenly, reaching out to grab my shoulders, holding the blade of the knife away from my skin. I grip his biceps, finally steadying myself and straightening up.

I look up into his eyes, glinting with amusement. He doesn't remove his grasp from my arms, even when I regain my balance. The two of us stare at each other for a moment, my eyes wide and cautious, his hooded and amused.

"You can let go now," I finally speak, slightly louder than I meant to due to my attempt to talk over my heart thudding in my ears. He smirks, nodding once before releasing me.

"Now that we're back where we started," He gestures widely around us. "Where do we begin?"

"Food," I answer immediately, the two of us walking back towards the main road. It's become impossible to ignore the incessant growling in my stomach. I'd hardly eaten yesterday, only some of the breakfast Kai made me, and it was starting to concern me. Back at home, I'd never let myself skip so many meals but under these unfortunate new circumstances, all that seemed occupy my mind is getting back to the people I love while food remains a side thought.

Consumed » Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now