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My eyes flutter open, sunlight streaming through the window and a realization dawns on me at the sight.

I didn't wake up at all since I came to Kai's bed. It was the first good night's sleep I've had all week. The thought brings a relieved smile to my lips.

I'm suddenly aware of a strong arm locked around my waist and a warm chest pressed against my back. Kai's face is nuzzled into my neck and his hot breath fans across my skin. He must have grabbed me in the middle of the night subconsciously. Although I would never admit it out loud, the close embrace is actually comfortable, despite the fact that I can't seem to get out of it.

Normally, I'd throw his arm off of me and put some distance between us but I allow it for now because he's the reason that I finally made it through the night with little interruption.

He shifts slightly, his lips brushing the skin of my neck as he does. I shiver at the contact.

A few minutes later, Kai's voice, deeper than usual and husky from sleep, breaks the silence. "I could get used to waking up like this."

Flutters are set off in the pit of my stomach when he pulls me closer, his hand on the bare skin on my stomach where my shirt rose up slightly in the night.

"I allowed it while you were asleep, but you're awake now, so hands off," I tell him, swatting it away, though I find myself missing the contact when he chuckles and lifts his arm off of me, scooting backward.

I roll over to face him. A lazy smile shapes his lips and his dark hair is ruffled, giving him an adorable look.

"Sleep well?" He asks, grinning knowingly.

"Actually, yeah," I sigh contentedly. 

"Hmmm, I wonder why that is," His grin turns into a smirk. I roll my eyes, but can't fight the small smile that forms on my face.

"Thanks for letting me sleep here," I tell him. "I guess I just needed some company to get me through the night."

"Company that I'm more than happy to provide," He says huskily, running his fingertips along my side. My heartbeat quickens with the touch.

I grab his hand and place it back onto the mattress between us, giving him a look. He smiles innocently.

"I'm gonna go take a shower," I tell him after a lingering moment of silence, beginning to get up and climb out of bed.

"Classic move," Kai sighs, pressing a palm to his chest, pretending to be wounded. "Sleeping with a guy then abandoning him in the morning."

I grab my pillow and hit him with it, rolling my eyes. "Oh, shut up. I'll see you downstairs later for breakfast."

He smiles, stretching his arms behind his head, my eyes drawn to his muscles flexing with the movement. "I need to shower too. How 'bout I join you? Save water? Us witches, you know how much we care about the earth."

I raise the pillow again threateningly and his smile grows wider.

"Okay, well, maybe next time."

"Definitely not," I snort, putting my makeshift weapon back down on the bed and walking out of the room.

The hot water streams down from the shower head, soaking my hair and sliding down my skin, the feeling making me sigh in relaxation. A hot shower was just the cherry on top of what has been a fairly good morning so far.

I woke up feeling refreshed and well rested for the first time all week and this was thanks to a certain sociopath. Maybe that should concern me, that the one thing finally able to rid me of my nightmares was sleeping in the same bed as Kai Parker. But for now, I decide not to dwell on it and just be glad that I got a good night's sleep with no terrifying dream where Joshua takes a loved one's life.

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