Twenty Five

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Warning: Explicit content in this chapter

Sunlight burns into my closed eyelids, signaling the morning's arrival – the beginning of another day in the prison world.

The beginning of our last day in the prison world.

The thought immediately hits me with a rush of excitement, my eyes opening to welcome the morning sunlight shining throughout the room, appearing brighter than usual.

I roll over to my other side to face Kai, finding the witch still deep in slumber with soft snores falling from his parted lips. A smile pulls at my lips at the sight of him looking so serene, like the horrors of the prison world and being Joshua Parker's son hadn't succeeded in completely stripping him of his peace of mind.

Strength, that's the only word I can put to his incredible feat of surviving his father's harsh treatment throughout his life and eighteen years alone in the prison world, managing to maintain his sanity (for the most part) throughout it all. You can say a lot of things about Kai Parker, but never let it be said that he's weak.

Over the past six weeks, I've learned more of the gruesome details of Kai's life growing up in the Gemini coven, although there's still so much that he has yet to reveal. And from what I've learned, from what I've seen with my own eyes when I went into his mind, it's clear that the sociopath wasn't born into this world with evil intentions, despite what some may want to believe. He has been hurt mercilessly over and over, by the man who was supposed to be a father to him, solely because his abilities were different than his siblings.

The image of a much younger Kai appears in my mind, quickly snatching his hand away from his father's arm when he realized he'd accidentally siphoned him. An ability that was beyond his control, yet people, namely Joshua Parker, have made him feel like shit for it all his life.

I think of the way Joshua slapped Kai hard across his cheek, the young boy letting out a small cry and running out of the room. Tears well up in my eyes and I blink them away quickly, clenching my jaw.

Joshua Parker is going to pay, I think harshly, he's going to pay for being a shitty father, for isolating and abusing his child because he was born a siphoner, something he couldn't change about himself even if he wanted to.

I'm slightly startled by the dark thoughts that enter my mind, all because of the sleeping witch laying beside me, who has been hurt far too many times in his life.

Kai's lips press together and he hums quietly, a deep sound emitting from the depths of his muscular chest. It takes a few seconds before he opens one eye to look at me, a smirk pulling at the edge of his lip.

Closing his eyes again, the knowing smirk still playing on his lips, he finally speaks, "Do you always stare at me when I'm sleeping?"

The husky, gravelly sound of his voice in the morning, thick with sleep, is undoubtedly the sexiest sound I've ever had the pleasure of hearing. I feel a flare of heat jolt through my stomach and bite down on my lip, attempting to ignore it.

Letting out a laugh under my breath, I reply, "No, just waiting for you to wake up."

"I'm not awake," he mumbles, "still..." he yawns exaggeratedly, "sleeping."

I roll my eyes, "Kai, did you forget what we're supposed to do today?"

He grins, "Oh, no, I definitely haven't forgotten."

"Then get up," I tell him, reaching over to shake his shoulder, "today's a big day."

"What's the rush?" Kai asks, his eyes still shut as he lazily reaches for my waist and pulls me closer, his palm flat on the small of my back, "maybe I wanna enjoy my last day in 1994."

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