Twenty Seven

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I rush into the alleyway, the adrenaline from my excitement preventing the burn in my limbs from hindering my run. When I reach the spot where he said we would meet, my steps come to an abrupt halt and I take the opportunity to inhale air into my lungs, refreshing the aches.

Since we'd escaped, we both have been wrapped up in our own worlds, leaving little time in between to meet. But time hadn't been the only factor that made a face-to-face meeting so difficult to arrange. It was the added element of my friends and family, who would never approve of such a relationship between the sociopath and I. But the secret rendezvous were undoubtedly exhilarating and something I find myself constantly looking forward to.

Hands cup over my eyes, filling my vision with blackness. I bite my lip to control the grin threatening to spread across my face when his mouth hovers near my ear, familiar minty breath fanning my skin.

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing out here all by herself?" his husky voice says lowly in my ear.

"Waiting for someone," I reply, as his hands fall and move down to my waist.

"Mmm, maybe I can keep you company until this mystery someone arrives," he murmurs, before I turn around to face him. His blue eyes pierce into me, dark with mischief and desire.

My hands slide around his neck and he firmly pulls me flush against his torso, his palms sliding over my sides and leaving tingles in their wake. I tilt my face toward his, eager to be kissed by the witch who'd been on my mind nonstop lately. He presses me up against the brick wall, lips soon finding mine in a heated kiss. Moans and whispers fill the deserted alleyway as we lose ourselves in each other, my hands tugging at his hair and his gliding over my body.

Kai pauses suddenly, coughing out a choked gasp as he breaks away from the kiss. I frown, my eyes frantically searching his face for an explanation as to why his skin had suddenly gone so pale. His blue eyes glaze over, trained on me but he didn't appear to really be looking at me, or anything at all.

"Kai," I whisper fearfully, reaching for his face and trying to make him hold my gaze.

"Ch-Charlie," he manages to say, my name leaving his lips in a pained wheeze.

A fit of coughs overwhelms him before he can utter another word to me, blood spewing everywhere. The red liquid splattered on me in the process but I didn't care, refusing to back away from him.

"Kai," I gasp, cupping his cheeks and keeping his eyes level with mine, "oh, my god, what–what the hell is happening?"

"I can't–Charlie, I–"

A loud tear echos throughout the darkness. The words get stuck in his throat and his eyes start to fall shut, his body slumping down to the floor. A shocked cry fills the alleyway and it takes me a moment to register the sound as my own.

My eyes lock with Damon's, a smile on his face as he holds Kai's heart up in his bloodied hand like a trophy.

"Ding, dong, the wicked witch is dead," he singsongs, nonchalantly tossing the heart over his shoulder.

I stare down at Kai's lifeless body at my feet in shock, falling to my knees next to him. As I lift a hand to touch his cheek, I'm struck by the eerie way his glossy blue eyes stare back at me, emotion absent from his blank pupils.

"N-no, Kai, no," I stammer, my hand falling to his chest.

"It's for your own good, Charlie," Damon insists and my head snaps up at the sound of his voice.

"How could you?" My voice shakes with the question, "I told you to leave him alone, I can't believe you'd just-I can't- how could you?"

Damon doesn't answer, instead gripping me firmly by my forearms and dragging me away from the body.

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