Twenty Three

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The next day, Kai and I are sitting in our usual spots across from each other in the study. I occasionally sneak glances up at him, scanning his features with squinted eyes when he's not looking. Eventually, he notices this and looks up from the Gemini grimoire, arching an eyebrow before returning his focus to the book.

"Okay, Charlie, what is it?" He asks.

I frown. "What? Nothing."

"You keep staring at me and I get that I'm nice to look at but I have a feeling you're thinking about something. So, what is it? And don't say nothing."

I sigh, scrutinizing the prominent bags under his eyes and the way they keep falling shut for short moments at a time, "Kai, you look exhausted. Didn't you get any sleep last night?"

He chuckles, "I haven't gotten much sleep this whole week."

I press my lips together, leaning forward and tilting my head as I watch him try to pretend he isn't struggling to not fall asleep on top of the Gemini grimoire.

"Kai," I reach my hand out to shut the grimoire, "go take a nap, we can continue this later."

Kai shakes his head, starting to open the book again but I place my hand firmly over his, glaring at his stubbornness. He shoots me an annoyed look, rolling his eyes at my refusal to let him keep working in his tired state.

"Charlie, I'm not going to sleep right now."

I shrug after a moment, releasing his hand and getting to my feet, swiftly walking over to him. His eyes follow me the entire time, brows raised slightly. Standing next to him, I lean down and grab his bicep with both hands, attempting to drag him up to his feet.

"Charlie, for fuck's sake," He groans, resisting my attempts to pull him up. I ignore his protests, planting both of my feet firmly on the wooden floor and pulling him toward me, eventually succeeding in getting Kai to stop resisting and he allows me to pull him to his feet.

"Fine, I'll take a damn nap, but you better wake me up in an hour," Kai tells me and I roll my eyes, gripping his hand in mine and leading him out of the study.

"You definitely need more than an hour," I say and he opens his mouth to protest, but yawns loudly instead, as if to emphasize my statement.

When we reach his bedroom, I lead him inside, letting go of his hand and pushing him toward the mattress.

"Go," I nod at the bed. "Rest."

He looks at me through bleary blue eyes, a crooked grin playing on his lips. "Sleep with me."

My heart jumps, enticed by his offer but I shake my head.

"Fine, then I guess I'm not going to sleep at all," Kai lifts his shoulders slightly in a shrug.

"Kai, just go," I scoff, shoving him toward the bed, causing him to stumble. Before I can react, he wraps his arms around my torso and takes me down with him, eliciting a surprised squeal from my mouth. He lands on his back and I fall right on top of him, feeling his laugh vibrate through his chest.

"You're so annoying," I mumble against his shirt, pushing myself up to look down at his grinning face.

"You're so hot."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

"Grow up."

"See, that's the thing about prison worlds, I literally can't grow up."

I give him an irritated look and he smirks in return, his blue eyes piercing through my own. My teeth instinctively sink down into my bottom lip as I hover above him, staring at his attractive features and suggestive smirk, dark blue eyes daring me to kiss him.

Consumed » Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now