Thirty Eight

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"How was it, did you have fun, did you meet any hot guys, oooh did you sleep with any hot guys, where did you–"

"Caroline," I laugh, setting my suitcase down next to the dresser. "I just got back like a second ago. Breathe."

"Sorry," she sighs, beaming, reaching out to excitedly grab my hands. "But come on, you have to tell me all the dirty details."

Flashes of Kai and I in the shower together pop in my head at her mention of the trip's "dirty details." I bite my lip, swiftly turning around to distract myself with the task of unpacking my suitcase. The distraction is a failed attempt; all I can think about is Kai's wet chest pressed firmly against mine, his mouth sealed over mine, the husky, sexy sounds that fell from his lips–

Caroline lets out a low gasp and tugs me by the arm back around to face her. Her hands fly up to hover over her open mouth and she squeals, making my eyes widen in surprise and confusion.

"You're blushing," she accuses, pointing at my face.

I scoff, quickly ducking my head down and take my time pulling off my boots to avoid her scrutiny. "I'm not blushing."

"Yes you–"


Bonnie strides through the door that Caroline hadn't bothered to close, tailed by Elena. Before I can fully get out a greeting, they're pulling me in for a hug. The feeling of being surrounded by my older sister and best friends ignites a warm feeling in my chest, but soon enough they're pulling away with beaming expressions.

"Sooo how was South Carolina?" Elena questions, nudging my arm.

I blink, confused. "South Carolina?"

The girls share a brief look, eyebrows raised. Bonnie tilts her head at me, squinting.

"Uh, yeah? You know, where you disappeared off to on a random getaway with your friend?" She reminds me.

I inwardly curse myself at forgetting the lie I told them a few days ago. Way to go, Charlotte.

"Oh," I force a laugh. "It was great. Really fun."

Elena folds her arm over her torso, eyeing me suspiciously. "You were in South Carolina, right?"

"Yes, of course I was," I insist, resuming the idle task of unpacking my suitcase. "Where else would I have been?"

The defensive question doesn't receive a response, quickly dismissed by Caroline who jumps in with her usual animation.

"Can we move on to more important matters, please?" She bounces up and down on the balls of her feet, pointing at me and throwing a grin in Elena and Bonnie's direction. "Charlotte here slept with someone during her little trip and you guys need to help me get information out of her!"

I groan, pressing a palm to my forehead. "I didn't–"

My denial to Caroline's excited accusation is abruptly interrupted by a ton of questions tossed at me from each of the girls.

"Was he hot?"

"Please tell me you got his number."

"How was it? Did he make sure you finished?"

"Where did you–"

"Oh, my God!" I exclaim, covering my face in embarrassment. "I never said I slept with anyone in Po–South Carolina."

Consumed » Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now