Thirty One

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Kai's POV

Oh, here we go.

One moment, Charlie and I were on the dance floor, my hands exploring her body the way I'd dreamt of these past few days leading up to the party.

Then, wouldn't you know it, she broke away from me suddenly but when her hand took mine and pulled me away from the crowd of sweaty bodies, a smirk tugged at my lips. I see, she's bringing me somewhere more private.

Anticipation had just begun to gather in the pit of my stomach–and in other, lower places when Charlie stopped walking, letting go of my hand. I watched curiously as her eyes fell shut, then in a blur, she was gone.

My back slammed against the wall and a grunt erupted from my throat, which was currently being constricted by a strong hand.

None other than the King of Dramatics himself stood growling before me, his icy blue eyes narrowed.

"You've got a lot of nerve showing up here," Damon hisses and a strained chuckle leaves my lips. Hearing the sound, his teeth clench and he tightens his grip.

"Long time no see, Damian," I manage to say, the words choked out, "is this how you normally greet an old friend?"

"We are not," The vampire snaps, "nor were we ever friends."

I cast a glance over his shoulder, spotting Charlie running to us with wide eyes. Elena, her sister and Damon's irritating obsession, follows quickly, the two of them standing on either side of the hostile vampire pinning me to the wall.

"Damon!" Charlie exclaims, shoving at his shoulder, his strong hold barely budging with her human strength, "what the hell are you doing?"

"What does it look like," he spits, shooting her a dark look before returning his eyes to mine, "kinda in the middle of killing him."

Ha, I nearly burst into laughter, and probably would've if it weren't for the closed fingers wrapped around my esophagus. Bring it on.

"Damon," Elena says warningly, placing a hand on his shoulder, "remember what Caroline–"

"Elena, frankly, I couldn't care less about Blondie's wishes to wave a damn white flag to this bastard," Damon cuts her off with a cold smile directed at me. I raise my eyebrows, a smile lingering on my lips as I look around at the three of them in amusement.

Suddenly, a flash of blonde hair speeds toward us, signaling Caroline's appearance. A scowl makes its way onto her face as she takes in the scene in front of her, pink lips pursing angrily.

"Hey, I invited him, he's my guest," she says to Damon, jabbing a manicured finger into his arm, "and rule number one of my party: no killing the guests, Damon!"

I grin at the blonde, the only one so far out of Charlie's social circle–aside from Charlie herself–that I don't feel strongly about killing or heavily maiming.

He rolls his eyes, jaw clenching impatiently. "I found him dragging Char by the hand, who knows what he planned to do to her?"

Trust me, you don't wanna know, Damon.

Damon's twist on what actually was happening before he rudely interrupted caused me to chortle, since it was really Charlie who was pulling me away to who-knows-where. But he would undoubtedly refuse to believe it if I told him as much, because there's no way precious Charlotte Gilbert would ever be remotely interested in a dangerous sociopath.

Think again, I think with amusement, my mind replaying our dance moments ago, before moving on to our previous kiss in the bathroom.

"He wasn't doing anything, Damon," Charlie speaks up, annoyed.

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