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Slowly, my eyes open to a dark ceiling, the feeling of leather pressing against my back. I groan quietly, placing a hand against my forehead while my current situation finally begins to register.

I sit up immediately, gasping, and realize I'm in Damon's car. My head snaps to the left, finding Kai driving us down an unfamiliar road. It confuses me further when I notice the night sky blanketing us, rather than the sunshine that I remembered before going unconscious.

"How did I get here?" I demand, causing his eyes to meet mine through the mirror. The corners crinkle as a smile takes the form of his lips.

"Oh, hello," He winks, "It's about time you woke up, I was starting to get lonely."

"We were just in Bonnie's house," I say through clenched teeth, "How did I end up asleep in the backseat?"

"You were being difficult, so I used a little sleeping spell on you. No harm done," He shrugs.

I blink, shaking my head slightly as I attempt to remember the events that occurred before he rendered me unconscious. Slowly, the blurry memories surface and I replay them in my mind, trying to make sense of why the hell Kai brought us here and where exactly he's going.

I stormed after him, stepping harshly down the stairs to find the front door ajar.

"Kai!" I shouted, my anger being fueled by my panic as I ran out the front door to find him.

There he was, standing with his back to me next to Damon's car. I advanced towards him, until I was only inches away. Kai turned around, looking down at me due to our proximity. His icy, blue eyes regarded me coldly, lips pinched into a tight line.

"What, Charlie?" He hissed at me, his hot breath hitting my face.

"Why the hell are you out here, instead of in there, trying to find another way to get out of this place?" I demanded cocking my head at him.

"A prisoner of the prison world itself can't use the Ascendant from the outside world," He retorted, turning to walk away from me.

"Hey, wait," I huffed, my hand reaching out to grip his elbow. Instinctively, Kai jerked it away and spun around to scowl at me.

"Aren't your witchy friends coming to save you, anyway?" He snaps. "Don't worry, princess, I'm sure you won't be inconvenienced much longer."

My anger faded, along with my panic and is quickly replaced with irritation. "Have you forgotten that you stole the Ascendant from Liv? There's no way for them to come back here! As much as I hate to say it, you're my only hope!"

"Well, I officially have no way out of this damned place, so you won't be hitching a ride with me," He snorted.

I run my hands through my tangled ringlets in frustration. Kai seemed to be giving up already and it was tearing down my spirits even more, if that were possible. There had to be another way, at least that's the belief I had to cling to, or the panic would rush in again. I refused to allow him, the one who dragged me into this, to back out so quickly.

"Kai, come on," I sigh. "You can't seriously believe there's no other way. There's almost always a loophole."

"All that stupid book said was that the only way the prisoner could get him or herself out is if someone else did the Ascendant spell, or if there were an Ascendant placed in the prison world that didn't come from the outside. And I'm pretty sure there is no Ascendant in this hell, so we're out of luck," He said, slowly turning away again and walking away.

Consumed » Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now