Thirty Three

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Kai's POV

Everything is dark.

I can feel myself slowly rising to consciousness, as if I'd been submerged in a murky body of water and the light peeking through the depths became more visible the higher I got. But I can't seem to completely pull myself out, the light still remaining just out of reach.

A quiet groan leaves my lips and my ears just barely register the sound. Faint voices whisper near my surroundings and I feel my fingers twitch with the urge to harm them, whoever they are, because they're presumably the reason I'm here.

Where is here, exactly? Where the fuck am I?

The closer I become to full consciousness, the quicker my recent memories return to me. Stefan Salvatore, the supposed Good Samaritan of the Mystic Falls supernatural gang, jabbed a syringe into my neck, filled with some sort of sedative that quickly pulled me into darkness as it invaded my veins.

A soft material cushions my body and I quickly figure out that I'm laying down on a bed. The hard edges of railings press against my wrists and ankles. Both, I realize with a subtle tug, are bound by some sort of ties.

I'm getting really tired of the damned Super Vamp Bros fucking with me, especially when I've been rather kind since my return to the real world and refrained from killing any of them. Back when I'd wanted to use Charlie as leverage and she convinced me to let her go, I even considered kidnapping her sister, Elena, to get the supernatural protection crew to bring Jo to me so we could've merged as soon as possible.

But no. I decided to be somewhat nice and talked it out with Jo, giving her a month to prepare herself. Look where that got me.

One thing I learned in life, it's true what they say: nice guys definitely do seem to finish last. Kindness just doesn't pay off like the world tries to make you believe it does.

I steady my breathing, maintaining it at a slow pace to appear as though I was still unconscious. With my eyes remaining shut, I listen in on their conversation, soon identifying the individual voices as Damon and Bonnie.

Great, I think sarcastically, I was starting to miss my two prison world pals.

"...can't believe you guys," Damon says angrily. "Why was I not informed about any of this?"

Bonnie sighs. "Because Damon, I don't know if you've realized this yet, but you have a bad habit of acting on your first violent impulse. Stefan didn't want you to jeopardize the deal he was making, you kinda have a tendency to lose your patience really fast."

He scoffs. "So you guys are keeping things from me now? That's great, Bon. Impulsive violent nature or not, I have a right to know when my brother or any of you are planning something–especially if that something involves taking down the new town psycho."

Oh, I'm the town psycho. I nearly laugh at the absurdity of the statement because I mean, look who's talking.

Didn't you, like, kill a pregnant woman, who also happened to be the wife of your nephew-uncle (because that's not confusing) Zach? I'm tempted to blow off the fake-sleep eavesdropping and say this aloud. But unfortunately, calling the vampire out on his hypocrisy will have to wait until I hear some valuable information and get a clue as to why the fuck I'm here.

"It's not personal, Damon," Bonnie assured him, sounding exasperated, "but we couldn't risk it. Don't give me that look, this was for Charlotte. This isn't about you."

"Exactly," he retorts. "You did all this in order to make sure that Char is safe, and I'm one of her best friends too. I think I have just as much of a right as the rest of you to be involved in helping her. I mean, for crying out loud Bon, Stefan invited Enzo to his little Gemini road trip, but not his own brother?"

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