Twenty Four

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"I found the spell."

When Kai looked up from the grimoire beaming and uttered those four words moments ago, I froze.

A part of me is relieved that he found it, bringing us one step closer to escape and ridding Kai of his increasingly uncontrollable desire to kill me, a desire forced in his mind by his father.

But now it's really time for me to face what I've been dreading: the spell that could end up killing me if I'm not strong enough to absorb the magic. I don't voice my concerns out loud to Kai, deciding it'd be useless anyway. The spell is likely our last chance of escape and talking about how terrified I am isn't going to change the fact that I need to do it.

So I stay mostly quiet as Kai leads me outside to a small clearing in the forest, walking with a pep in his step while I have to drag my unwilling feet to follow after him. He twirls the knife filled with Jo's magic as we enter the clearing, whistling cheerily.

Once we're in the middle of the clearing, Kai stops and turns around to face me, studying my solemn expression with a tilted head.

"Aw," He coos, reaching up to lightly pinch my cheeks, "someone's grumpy."

I scoff, swatting his hands away, "Am I supposed to be excited about a spell that could potentially kill me?"

"A spell that could potentially kill you or potentially give you magic so we can get the hell out of here," Kai reminds me and I sigh, grudgingly nodding.

"Okay, let's just get this over with," I mumble.

And, if it doesn't work, my life over with, the thought sends a shudder down my spine and I swallow hard, trying to prepare myself and push away negative thoughts. But they continue to pry their way into my mind, refusing to be ignored and setting off my nerves.

"Give me your hand," Kai says, holding one hand out, the knife clutched in the other. I hesitantly place my hand in his and he flips it so my palm is facing upward.

My breath catches as he brings the tip of the blade to my palm, cutting a thin line down my flesh. I inhale sharply through my nose at the sting of the blade in my skin but allow him to take my other hand, repeating the action.

After siphoning magic from the knife, Kai tosses it to the ground and grips my bleeding hands in his. He squints at me, thin lipped and skeptical.

"Charlie, going into this spell terrified isn't gonna help. Breathe."

I sigh, shaking my head, "Kai, I'm fine, just-"

"Breathe," He tells me sternly, glaring.

I inhale a deep breath while letting my eyes fall shut, trying to calm my erratic nerves and negative thoughts. After a moment, I exhale slowly and open my eyes to meet Kai's.

"Now, I'm going to start the spell and I need you not to be a nervous wreck when I do. You're strong enough to make it out of this, stop telling yourself you're not."

I swallow the rising lump in my throat, nodding. I try to let his words really sink in deep and soothe my erratic nerves but it's difficult to rid myself of the fear that my death is possibly approaching.

Think about Elena and Jeremy. Think about your friends. This is the only way to get back to them.

I repeat those words in my head like a mantra, my eyes locked on Kai's as I do. His eyes trail over my face with furrowed eyebrows and finally, he asks,


I hesitate, the answer catching in my throat for a moment before I manage to reply, "Yes."

Consumed » Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now