Twenty Two

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After a wonderfully peaceful and undisturbed sleep, my mind is gradually pulled out of its dream state. The sunlight shining through my closed lids causes my face to scrunch up and I bury my face into the mattress below me.

It takes me a second to register that I'm not laying on top of a mattress, but something much warmer and firmer. I open my eyes, brows furrowed in confusion and lift my head to see a muscled chest beneath me.

"Good morning."

Kai's husky voice causes my head to snap up to meet his amused stare, his arms tucked behind his head as he enjoys the slightly disoriented state that my deep sleep has left me in. Heat floods my face at the realization that I'm sprawled out on top of his chest, somehow having ended up in this position during the night.

"God, was I sleeping on top of you like that the whole night?" I ask him, swinging my leg over his torso and hurriedly moving off of him to sit on my side of the bed, "sorry."

"You kinda were, but I definitely didn't mind," Kai says, sliding his arms out from underneath his head and pushing himself up into a sitting position. He gives me a crooked, sleepy smile, the gesture combined with his droopy eyes and messy dark locks making him look utterly adorable. I sit there for a few moments, seemingly unable to take my eyes off of him.

He runs a hand over his face, his eyes momentarily falling shut as a sigh leaves his lips. When he opens them again and finds me still staring at him, a small smirk tugs at his lips.

"You look exhausted," I observe aloud, noticing the bags under his eyes and the way he seems to be struggling to keep them open.

Kai nods, throwing the covers off of him and swinging his legs over the side of the bed. His bare, scar-ridden back is facing me as he releases a loud yawn before standing up.

"I didn't really get much sleep last night," He tells me as he walks over to the dresser and starts pulling drawers open, searching for clothes.

I frown, lowering my feet down to the floor and standing up, slowly padding over to where Kai is.

"Why not?" I ask curiously.

He shrugs, his back still turned to me. After pulling out a maroon tee shirt, underwear, and black cargo shorts, Kai starts to head toward the bathroom.

"Was it because I was sleeping on top of you?" I sigh, "I didn't-"

"No," He cuts me off, exhaling through his nose in amusement, "I just wasn't that tired. You know, being dead for hours really revitalizes a guy."

I follow after him, leaning against the doorframe with my arms crossed. I tilt my head, watching him as he places his clothes on the shelf and turns on the sink. He squirts toothpaste onto his toothbrush, wetting it and shutting the water off. With the toothbrush brushing back and forth in his mouth, his eyebrows pull together and his head turns to me, arching an eyebrow.

"What?" His voice is muffled with the brush and toothpaste in his mouth.

"You're okay, right?" The words come out of my mouth rushed, after a moment of hesitation.

Raising both of his eyebrows at me, he turns back to the sink, brushing for another minute before spitting out the toothpaste and wiping his hand over his mouth. Straightening up, he turns to me, walking over slowly.

"Why do you care if I'm okay?"

The question isn't laced with venom; instead, he sounds genuinely curious and even a little amused. I sigh, averting my eyes from his and looking down at his bare chest.

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