Fifty Four

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Kai's POV

The doors to the central Gemini compound fly open from the force of the magic irritably pulsing around my frame and I stalk through without a greeting to the witches abruptly turning to gawk at me. I hadn't informed anyone that I'd be visiting today, due to the last-minute nature of this strictly-business trip.

Not that I'm in a position where making appointments is even necessary; as if the Concilio would try to turn their leader away for a more convenient meeting time. The thought nearly makes me snort.

"Malachai." One of the younger witches running the reception desk scurries out from behind it, her wide eyes regarding me with wariness that I can tell she's doing her best to mask with a polite smile. "Welcome. We weren't aware you'd be stopping by today." She bends awkwardly and I realize, in discomfort, that she's trying to bow.

"There's no need for that," I tell her and she quickly straightens up.

"Sorry, I–"

"It's fine," I cut her off impatiently. "But try to remember I'm not my father. You don't have to be so medieval when addressing me."

"Oh. Alright." She blinks rapidly, evidently bewildered. I have a sinking suspicion that the younger members of the coven who weren't too familiar with the things I'd done had been fed enough stories about my short temper and sociopathy to feel afraid under my leadership. As though they're all anxiously waiting for me to do something drastic, like brutally murder someone for looking at me the wrong way. It's starting to get pretty fucking annoying, even when I can use their fear in my favor from time to time.

"If I may ask, what's your reason for visiting? Did you need to assemble the Concilio? The elders are in a meeting right now, but I can inform them of your arrival."

I shake my head. "Not necessary. I'll go see them myself."

She opens her mouth to say something else, but I start for the corridor.

"Malachai." I clench my jaw as someone curls their fingers around my elbow, halting my steps. It's a wonder how the coven members are getting braver in their interactions with me; touching the hostile siphon, when there was a time that everyone once flinched at the mere idea.

My head snaps to the side and I don't even bother to tone down my miffed expression. Maybe a hint or two will be quickly taken.

Or not, I think to myself, as the familiar redhead from my initiation ceremony flutters her lashes at me.

"I've been hoping I'd catch you around sometime," she says, with a flirtatious smile. "Unfortunately, I missed your last visit."

I nod distractedly. "Yeah, hey, Vivian."

She frowns a little, but composes herself rather fast, forcing out a fake laugh. "It's Veronica. So, what brings you here?"

I regard her with a flat look. "That's confidential."

"Of course." She seems slightly embarrassed, flicking her head to remove a stray strand from her face. "Well, forgive my curiosity. I just can't wait to see what you have in store."

Lowering her voice conspiratorially, she leans in closer, trailing her fingers slowly from my elbow to my hand. "I bet your reign will be so much more memorable than your father's. It's too bad you're juggling it all on your own."

I yank my hand away from her in disgust, putting a foot of distance between us. "Appreciate your concern, but I'm doing just fine. Sounds like you're questioning my leadership abilities. For your sake, I hope not." I smile tightly. "You won't like me very much when you get yourself on my bad side."

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