Twenty Six

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The cold is the first thing I notice when I begin to stir.

Cold, wet flakes gently land on my face and crisp air raises goosebumps on my skin underneath my jean-clad legs and light flannel, an outfit I'd changed into before I left the prison world for good.

The prison world...

My eyes shoot open to find my surroundings contrasting greatly to the blue sky and warm sun I'd gotten used to in Mystic Falls on a never-ending loop of May 10th, 1994. The sky above me lacks any trace of blue, fully coated with white as snowflakes drift down to the ground and chill my skin. Trees loom above me, their branches covered in white, the green foliage of the eternal springtime I'd lived in for over a month absent from its bark.

I plant my hands down onto the snow-covered ground and push myself up into a sitting position, wide eyes taking in the wintry environment.

We're not in 1994 anymore.

The moment of disorientation passes and I remember the annoyingly charming, feelings-impaired, teasingly humorous witch who had been my sole company for the past month and a half. Sharply whirling my head around, I find Kai laying on the forest ground, snowflakes littered across his clothing: a faded blue tee with a white peace sign on the front, paired with a dark blue flannel and a jean jacket, along with his jeans. I'd snickered at his choice in outfit, particularly at the irony of the peace sign on his shirt when I knew all too well his plans for his coven, mainly his wicked father, in the present-world were anything but peaceful.

I turn towards him, leaning over his torso and placing my hands on his shoulders, shaking him lightly.

"Kai," I say urgently. "Hey, Kai, wake up."

A relieved smile pulls at my lips when a groan rumbles from his throat and his eyebrows pull together. After a moment, his blue eyes open slowly and find mine.

"Charlie," Kai breathes, glancing away from me and turns his head to look at the snow on the ground.

"It's snowing," he states, his eyes widening. Quickly pushing himself up to his feet, his head snaps up to stare at the sky, lips parted in shock. He swivels around in a circle, taking in his surroundings with visible disbelief.

I watch him in amusement from my spot on the ground, waiting patiently for him to finish his survey of the snowy forest. His gaze flicks back to me and a wide smile spreads across his face, so wide that I wonder if a grin that big could make your face split in two.

"I can't believe it," he says laughing, holding a hand out to me. I reach out and grab it, allowing him to pull to my feet.

"We made it out," I tell him, his grin causing one of my own to stretch my lips.

A surprised gasp is forced from my lips as he unexpectedly pulls me toward him with our intertwined hands. His arms wrap around my waist, lifting me up and crushing me to his chest in a bear hug. My laughter fills the chilly air as he spins me around, his glee undeniably contagious.

"We're out!" He shouts, "we're OUT! YES!"

Kai's whoops and cheerful declarations reverberate throughout the vast forest, my laughter accompanying it. Despite a lighthearted, happy attitude usually being his default, I'd never seen him this happy before and I'm enjoying every moment of it. Enjoying every second before he has to focus on his goal of becoming coven leader and getting revenge, a goal that served as the main incentive for his escape throughout his eighteen years in isolation.

Before we part ways.

The thought is bitter in my mind, causing my laughter to fade.

Kai finally comes to a halt and sets me back down onto the ground, the snow crunching underneath my combat boots. He moves back a step to stare down at me, his hands lingering on my waist. I look back up at him, giving him a small smile.

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