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        it's been two weeks since my fight with Jake. He usually calls to make up for blowing me off by now. He hasn't even come to school.

"you need to quit giving that asshole more chances." my only girl friend Lily says while stabbing chicken with her fork

it's lunch time and I'm sitting with Quil and Lily at our table.

"I totally agree." Quil chimes in

"Since when did you become one of the girls?" Lily laughed at Quil

"since all my guy friends are whipped by girls or steroids." he retaliated

"but seriously, I know Jake was your best friend, hell, he was mine too but he's being a douche. let him go." Quil rants

I never told anyone about my mom and her boyfriend. I only told Jake some of it. Quil and Lily don't understand why it's so hard for me to let Jake go. But it sure was easy for him to let me go.

"I don't know." I say as the lunch bell rings. I throw my salad away.

After school I hear someone call my name. I turn around to see Bella.

"Justice!" she calls as she walks up to me.

"Jay." I correct her

"whatever." she says rolling her eyes

I scoff. I really don't know what Jake sees in her.

"what do you want Bella?" I ask

"do you know what's wrong with Jake? I haven't seen him in two weeks. Billy keeps telling me he has mono but I don't believe him." she explains

"if you don't know, then I definitely don't know." I say starting to get in my car.

"just let me know if you see him?" she asks hopefully

"sure." I say and get in my car.

I'm not ready to go home so I just drive. I find myself at the beach. I feel a sense anguish. The group and I spent hours here growing up. Jacob's dad, Billy would tell us the legends at campfires. Birthday parties, tailgates, stargazing. Now that's all gone... all because of Bella.

I get out of my car and sit on the beach.
It's comforting... and then my phone rings. It's Jake.

I decline the call and look out to the waves. My phone rings again.

"What Jacob?" I snap

"We need to talk." I hear his gruff voice come through the phone.

"I thought you had mono."

"please. I really need to talk to you." he begs

"No. Tell Bella. I'm sure she'll be happy to listen." I snap about to hang up when I hear him continue to talk.

"Please Justice. meet me at my house?" he begs

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