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4 Years Later


"McKena Tiffany Call! Come back here!" I yell as my wild four year old runs away quickly.

"Got you!" Jake yells as he catches the rampant toddler.

Kenna howls in laughter as Jake tickles her and kisses her face. I walk up to my family and open my arms. Jake passes Kenna to me.

"Hi baby." I coo, "Ready to go?"

She nods happily and I set her down.
We get in the car and drive off.

Today is Mckena's fourth birthday.
It's also four years since Embry died.

A lot has happen in those four years.
Jake and I are no longer part of the pack.
He can still shift and neither of us age but after Embry and Anna's death, we all went our separate ways. We still keep in touch with some of them; some of them we haven't heard of since that day.

Sam is still the alpha. He and Emily stayed in La Push. Now they have two little boys and another baby on the way. We keep in touch with them.

Claire is seven years old now. I haven't seen her since she was five but I hear she's really into music. Quil is doing pretty well. He plans on not shifting anymore once Claire is older.

Kim and Jared moved to Alaska. I haven't seen them since about a month after Embry died. We don't keep in touch with them. Last I heard, Jared had quit phasing. Even though we don't talk anymore, I wish them the best.

Colin and Brady are eighteen now, about the graduate high school. They're Sam's right hand guys now.

Leah finally imprinted. His name is Kai and he's a shifter also. They're absolutely perfect. These past few years, Leah has become my best friend. My baby calls her "Auntie Lea" and they're part of our family now. Leah joined Kai's pack; she couldn't bare all the drama that had happen in ours but at least she's finally happy.

Paul imprinted on Jake's sister, Rachel. They moved to Canada. Kenna loves them. Paul has really calmed down. He's not the asshole that he used to be.

We haven't seen or heard of Seth since the day Anna died. Leah and Sue haven't seen him either. Sue and Billy got married earlier this year. It was a beautiful ceremony and McKena was the flower girl, Jake being the best man and Leah being the maid of honor.

Lily went crazy after Embry died. She just couldn't take being without him. After she gave birth, she wouldn't even hold McKena; wouldn't even name her own baby. Lily was estranged from her parents after she got pregnant and Embry's mom, Tiffany didn't want to raise McKena so naturally, Jake and I adopted her. We named her McKena Tiffany. McKena was the name Embry wanted and Tiffany after his mom. Rosalie and Emmett are her godparents.  We're getting her last name changed to Call-Black soon, our appeal just has through the court system first.

I'm still not close to my parents. They eventually got back together but they couldn't understand why Jake and I would adopt a baby at 18. It's fine by me. I don't need them. I have my husband and my little girl.

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