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My paws ache as I lay down and wait for Sam's command. I've been on patrol with Sam, Paul, Jared, and Embry for a few hours now. JJ is spending the day with her mom but I might go pick her up after patrol is done.

"Jake meet us by the Forks border." Sam thinks to me.

"Be there in 10." I think back and sprint off.

When I get there, everyone else is waiting for me.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Bella Swan is marrying one of the Cullen's in a few weeks." Sam says.

"Yeah, I know. A lot of us are going to the wedding." I reply

"That means they'll change her and we'll have to fight them. They're going to break the treaty." Sam says.

Embry whines, "Sam we can't hurt Bella." He looks to me for back up, which I don't give him.

"Good. I've wanted to great rid of them for a long time." Paul growls.

"Isn't Rosalie helping Jay learn how to defend herself? That would go away if we hurt them! Jay would hate you!" Embry whines.

"She would be fine. If we have to fight the Cullens', we will. They're leeches. This is what we're here for." I agree with Sam.

Sam nods my direction.

"I agree with Jake." Jared chimes in.

"Same here." Paul says.

"I can't believe you Jake. A few months ago, you would have killed anyone who tried to hurt Bella, now you're the one going to hurt her." Embry snarls and runs off into the woods.

I groan and shake my head, about to go after Embry. Bella's not my problem anymore, I have my JJ and she's perfect.

"Go home Jake. You've done enough for today. Go home and get some rest." Sam commands, "I'll deal with him."

"Thanks Sam." I say.

He nods and runs off, Paul and Jared right on his heels.

I take off in the direction of JJ's house. When I get there I stop outside her bedroom window. It's probably only 11 in the afternoon so we can go out to lunch and do whatever she wants to do afterwards.

Before I phase, I watch her from the window. Not in a creepy way; she not changing or anything and she's my girlfriend.

She's so cute. She's wearing black jeans and a band tshirt. She's such a dork when it comes to music. Her dad was an AC/DC junkie and I guess that got passed on down to her. She likes to pretend that she's punk rock but I've seen her rock out to Justin Bieber.

She's curled up on her bed and reading a book. She'll never admit it but she hates it when I come through her window. I think it scares her a little bit.

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