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"I don't like this." Jake glowers.

"I know." I say, knotting my hair in a messy bun, "That's the only thing you've said since we got here."

We're in my room. Jake's laying on his stomach on my bed. I'm in my closet getting on workout clothes. (Outfit above)

"I'm going with you." He says.

"Good." I say, walking towards the bed and climbing on the bed, straddling Jake, "I don't want to be away from you."

I place my hands on his chest. Smirking, I bend down and kiss him along his neck.

He groans and grabs my butt.

"What time is it?" He pants in-between breathes.

"Time to go." I smirk and climb off of him.

"I'm going to get you back later for that." He smirks and swats my butt.

I squeal and unplug my phone.

Jake grabs my hips and turns me around.

"I. Love. You." He says between kisses.

"I love you too." I smile and kiss him back.

"Can you tie these to my leg after I phase?" He says handing me a pair of his shorts.

"Um why are you phasing?" I ask.

"Because I don't trust the Cullens' so I'm going as my wolf." He says like it's supposed to be obvious.

"You'll ride me there, of course." He smirks, "Unless you're scared and want to back out. Which is totally fine. I'd prefer to stay here anyways. We could watch Netflix and chill."

"Ha ha very funny. Let's go!" I say enthusiastically.

"Okay." He pouts.

We walk out of my house, out to the front lawn.

"Stand back." Jake commands

Nodding, I walk back to the front porch and wait for Jake to phase, holding his shorts in my hands.

Jake runs and phases, shredding his clothes to mere particles.

I wait for him to face me before I walk up to him. I know that Jake hates being a wolf around me. He's afraid that he's going to lose
control like Sam did around Emily. But I trust Jake. He would never hurt me.

Jake turns around and faces me. He whines and bends down. I walk up and tie his shorts around his back leg. Then I walk up to his massive torso.

I take a deep breathe. This is a whole new level of weird for me. I'm about to climb on my boyfriend who turns into a wolf and I'm going to ride him like a horse to a vampires' house so I can learn how to fight.

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