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Hope is the little voice that says maybe when the whole world is screaming no.
Sadly the darkness has strangled my little voice called hope. She's tied up and gagged next to faith and trust. The new voices have moved in, made my head their playground. They make life very difficult, my little voices. But they promised me something I couldn't refuse; peace, tranquility, freedom. They said I can fly away from all my problems, I just have to jump and spread my wings and fly. Hope, faith and trust were trying to stop me, but they were just trying to make me suffer; the little voices said so. I like my little voices, much better than people that hurt you. I want to fly away to Neverland, where I will never grow up and I can see my best friend again, her little voices saved her before mine did.  Hope, faith and trust made her suffer, they won't do the same to me. They always end up hurting you anyway; she is your friend, she doesn't hate you, she will come back; she was just joking around. They always let you fall, making you think that they will catch you; next minute you end up free falling, head first into the hard ground. But my little voices won't let me fall, they said I can be free from everything. So I spread my wings and flew, to Neverland, where there's no hope, faith or trust to hurt me, just the little voices in my head and freedom.

Sad poems by a sad girlWhere stories live. Discover now