Chapter 5- Hush and Listen

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Hey guys :)

Well here's chapter 5 <3

Vote, Comment, Fan, or troll ;)



Chapter 5

"What the hell?!" Her fingers ran through her now booze infected hair.

I smiled stupidly, "Next time get out of my way." I walked around her, leaving her gaping like a moron.

I reached Dimitri unscathed. Well, actually, I tripped a couple times on my way back.

"What'd you do?" Dimitri eyed me suspiciously.

"Nothing." I smiled widely. "Did I ever tell you that are so handsome?" I made kissing noises.

"Okay dude." He got up and placed an arm around me. "Time to go. You're definitely drunk."

"I don't need help." The words came out slurred. Ha, maybe I was a little tipsy. I took a step forward only to be greeted by the floor.

Dimitri laughed. "C'mon get up, I know you trip easily."

"I didn't trip. The floor just needed a hug." I said dumbly. Dimitri began cracking up.

Once on my feet Dimitri guided me out of the club. We stepped outside, the cold air was making me feel nauseous.

"I think Im going to barf." I pushed Dimtiri away and leaned over.

"Great. I should just leave you here," he said thoughtfully.

"It's my car," I said. I could feel bile beginning to rise up my throat. Here it comes.

"Hey kid!" A toyota car screeched as it turned towards Dimitri and me. The car halted only momentarily. A girl yelled, "That's him!' Was this a drive by?

A bucket of spaghetti sauce was tossed all over me. As the car drove off, I bent over puking my guts out.

Dimitri fell to the floor laughing. "Dude that was epic."

I grabbed my puke and flung it at him.

He squealed. "Not cool dude!" He wiped off the yellow goo off his white tee shirt. "You're so disgusting."

I smiled. "Now we're even."

"What did I do?" He demanded.

"Nothing, just nothing." Then, I knocked out cold.

I opened my eyes slowly. I had a massive headache, plus my stomach felt ready to hurl.

I closed my eyes, the light wasn't helping my case.

"Get up! We have school today!" What seemed to be a bucket of cold water was spilled on me.

I jumped up. "What the hell!" My teeth were clattering. "Are you out of your mind! That water was freezing!"

He looked at me passively. "Good. Now take a shower and get dressed while I cook breakfast.'

"What are you my mother?" I said jokingly.

He stared at through unreadable eyes, "Just trying to be the mom you never had."

"Right." I tried to say joking around. I could feel a tight knot in my throat.

"Here's your clothes."

No matter what, Dimitri was still annoying.

"Theseamgud." I said through a mouthful of pancakes.


I swallowed. "These are very good. Where'd you learn to cook?" I grabbed another pancake.

"Doesn't your dad cook?" Dimtrii asked. I shook my head, while I stuffed the pancake into my mouth.

"What do you eat?" His eyes were full of concern.

"Anything that I can microwave." I gulped the pancake down. "Or chinese take out." I added as an afterthought.

My stomach churned appreciatively. "Alright let's go to school."

School, or shall we call it prison? Highschool was truly a dog eat dog world. You couldnt even walk down the hall without being scrutinized.

"Why is everyone staring?" I asked Dmitri.

"Beats me," he said.

I felt immediately self-concious. Was my hair a disarray? Did I look hungover?

All I wanted to do was curl myself into a ball. The stares were beginning to make me feel dizzy.

The bell rang, and then all the staring was over. I walked briskly to my first period. I was the last one in class.

Just my luck, there was only a seat left and it was in the front. I passed a cheerleader in green uniform, she looked ugly.

"Hey look its the emo kid." She stuck her foot out. In tv, the emo kid or nerd would have tripped and blushed while the whole class laughed. I was to hungover to play that roll.

Instead, I kicked her leg out of the way. She cried out in pain. Her friends gave me dirty looks, I didnt care.

I took my seat. What was with me recently? I never acted so...confident or ass-like.

You're worth nothing, said the voice inside my head. I cringed mentally, I didnt need reminders.

"Is being an ass your favorite sport?" A sarcastic voice said.

I turned around. Sure enough, the girl from my club was sitting behind me. I swear, I should have a book dedicated to me. 'The guy who was stalked by the green eyed girl' would be a fitting title.

I smiled. What was wrong with me? I wasnt ever social, it had taken Dimitri three years to make me comfortable talking to him.

Going against my gut feeling I said, "Maybe. What's it to you?" I turned to stare back to the front. Ms. Lowes an elderly woman was barely making her way into class.

She poked my back. "My name is Aila."

I shrugged.

Class droned on. An actual lesson on the first day! Who did that!

I was deep in thought, doodling on my paper.

She had green eyes and was a princess. I was drawing a green-eyed princess. Why? I had no fucken clue. I usaully drew zombies or something abstract. But today I was in a princess drawing mood. Sounds wierd right?

I was finishing the dress when Aila peeked over my shoulder and dropped a big fat slice of watermelon.

I cursed.

I didnt want to make a scene. I crumbled the paper.

I turned to look at Aila. She had light brown hair and green eyes.

Just like my princess.

She had an innocent look on her face.

"Can I help-"

I chucked the paper at her face.

The look on her face was priceless. Her eyes popped out and then her whole face sort of...pinched? I dont know how to describe it but it was hilarious.

I faced down to start my drawing again. I was acting unusual today...I should drink beer more often.

I shuddered. Aila's breathing was right on my neck. "It's on," she breathed.

A thpusand shudders traveled down my spine.

What was going on with me? I think I've asked myself that question today about a thousand times.

It was so on.


What do you guys think?

Leave some love in the comment section below :)

Keep on trollin' <3

*I've been watching way too much Ray William Johnson. XD

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