Chapter 10

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Chapter 10- Hush and Listen

"Why are we running?" Aila said out of breath, we were on the opposite side of school near the track. Here the building were more faded, and looked far older than the buildings on the right side of school.

"Im running for my life." I was panting, far more out shape than her. She only looked a bit tired but other than that her beautiful brown hair stuck in its place, no hair out of place. Her beautiful face had no make up smeared, I suddenly wondered whether she even wore make up.

Her hand was still intertwined with mine, both our palms moist with sweat, which probably was mosty my fault. It had been about two years since I last ran.

"You should join track," she pulled her hand out of mine, smiling at my pouting expression. The bell rang loudly, causing us to jump, "We are late." She said, sitting down against the brick wall of the gym.

"Sorry," I said apologetic, it was my fault she would have a detention now.

"It's okay," her smile sent shudders down my spine. "I dont mind being with you."

"Neither do I," I instantly repeated, blushing. Great I had just made a complete fool out of myself.

"Oh really," she scooted closer to me. "You don't say?" Her face was only inches away now, I could smell her minty breath and see the dark circles around her eyes. Her eyes however caught me the most, they were the most beautiful emerald eyes I had ever seen. Not only for the color but the fact that they were an almond shape, you couldnt look at her face without getting lost in them.

She began leaning into me, I froze, no idea of what I should do. I hadnt even kissed anyone in my life, well at least willingly. Did I pucker my lips? And was I supposed to close my eyes?

"There you are!" Dimitri's voice boomed, he was storming down the hall. "I have an emergency!" He grabbed my arm pulling me away from Aila. "Oh hey Aila." He turned around dragging me with him.

"Dude your pulling my arm off." I said, trying to relenquish his hold on me.

"Oh man up." His face was scrunched in annoyance or was it jealousy?

"I have chemistry right now man."

"Sucks." He was leading us in the direction of the band room. "But Aila can wait." So he had noticed, I smiled.

"I meant the actual class."

"Sure you did." He swung the class door open which revealed about four to five people. "Here, I have the guy I was talking about!"

There were four guys, all had identical side swept emo hair, and were sporting guitars. There was a tall girl, with reddish brown hair, her blue eyes were narrowed at Dimitri.

"We asked for a bass player." She growled, "Not a drummer."

I looked at Dimitri confused, I didnt even play a instrument. The girl glanced at me with faint interest, before turning to glare at Dimitri

"Lucky you he doesnt play an instrument." Dimitri said, grabbing a stool to sit on. "But hes into that emo goth shit."

"Its called Metal," The redhead and I said in unison.

"You," she growed, pointing at me, "name a band."

"Devildriver." I said immediately.

She turned her head towards Dimitri with an eyebrow raised, "Name a song."

Dimitri responded, "T-pain!"

"Not you," the red head rolled her eyes. "Him." She pointed at me.

"My name is Judas." I stated, earning a glare from her.

"Song..." she growled, waiting fo my response. "Now."

"My favorite is Meet the Wretched."

"So is mine." She gasped, "can you sing?

"I guess..."

"Good we have a gig tonight and we need a singer, for one of our songs. Can you do it?"

Her eyes were wide with excitement, I couldnt refuse. "Yes." I said feebly.

She gave me a bone crushing hug. "Thank you."

Dimitri laughed at my tomato face. "Tomatoh." He snickered.

"Fag." I whispered in his ear, he gave me a dirty look before punching my arm.

"Let's go." I said, running out the band room, Aila was casually leaning against the wall.

"Hey." We greeted her.


"So Aila," Dimitri began, "you want to go to a gig with me?"

I narrowed my eyes.

"Sure as long as it isnt metal!" She said with horror.

My face fell, oh shit.

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