Chapter 8- Hush and Listen

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Chapter 8

I could hear Aila's deep angry breaths as Josh walked away with his prego of a girlfriend. My mind wanered, thinking of how great it woul be to have a girlfriend.

I continued to fantasize, when I noticed her calculated gaze on me. I smiled unthinkingly, her lips tugged at their corners in response.

My stomach fell, a girl like Aila didn't need me. She needed someone loving, someone that could give her anything.

I could give her anythin she wanted, anything but protection and love. If only money could buy everything. I would've bought myself a new personality, a new heart.

She yanked my arm. "C'mon let's go inside."

I could sense her burning curiosity. Together in silence we walked to my front door. I opened it and her Aila's intake of air.


Aila's POV

Just keep walking, I repeated to myself. My muscles ached, they desired to beat the crap out of Josh. That two timing good for nothing...

I inhaled, turning back to Judas. He had a glazed look over his eyes. Noticing my gaze, he smiled sheepishly. I could feel my lips turning up into a smile.

I had never met someon as mysterious as him. And also as pale, I imagine his mom had been albino. I was about to ask him, when I felt a twinge of guilt. His mom had deserted his dad and him.

I didn't want to bring unfriendly reminders. I stared at his ivory mansion. Mansion was overstating it but it was so huge! It had to have at least six bedrooms.

His front lawn was a perfect shade of green, I could swear it was fake. There were two cars pulled into thhe driveway.

A sleek black mustang and a honda civic. I recognized the Honda Civic, Judas drove it to school with Dimitri.

I noticed I had been standing gaping at his house, I blushed in embarassment. Judas' gaze was focused on something afar.

I sighed, he was really out of it sometimes. I yanked his arm. "C"mon let's go inside."

My eyes burned with curosity, maybe he had house maids! That would be so awesome!

He turned the knob, revealing the interior of the house. It was beautiful. The walls were painted ivory, and the furniture looked expensive.

And of course he had a huge plasma tv, I turned towards the kitchen, it didn't seem to fit the house. It seemed old, except for the kitchen countertop which was granite.

"My mom loved antiques." He responded gruffly, probably noticed my curious gaze.

"Did she now?" I responded innocently. I was curious about when his mother had left him, what would make a mother leave their only son behind.

"Mhm." Was all he replied. Judas' eyes flickered to the hall, the faint sound of dragging suitcases could be heard.

His dad's came into view hauling two big suitcases, a tall bony woman followed behind him. She had long silky black hair. She had high cheekbones, faint blush tinted them.

"Hello." Her wide smile made me uncomfortable, Judas stiffened. His eyes went wide with fear and then narrowed. I looked between the woman and him. They seemed to hold something, a secret.

"You must be Matthews girlfriend." She beamed.

"Matthew?" I asked confused.

"Oh sorry, I meant Judas."

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