Chapter 6- Hush and Listen

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Here's chapter 6 you guys :)

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Voilá <3


Chapter 6

"How was your day?" Dimitri asked.

We were lying in the grass, next to the track, the bobbing heads of runners passed us every so often.

"It was fine." I said; lifting a leaf to my eye level. It waved in the air, ready to travel onto unchartered territory. Yep, the track sure was unknown territory.

Birds chirped away, and Dimitri prattled on about his classes. By this time, I was already tuning him. The sun was beginning to bother my eyes.

"Let's get out of here." I sat up, waiting for Dimitri to respond.

"Well I, erm, am catching a ride with this one girl," he responded nervously.

"What?" I stood and stretched.

"This girl I met... she's in track and all." He smiled nervously. "I'm waiting for her, she's in practice." He pointed at the group of girls huddled around a tall old man.

"It's not track season," I replied bluntly.

"It's called conditioning." Lazily, he flicked a fly away.

"Alright." I didn't exactly care. "Later." Bending down, I lifted my back pack. The familiar smell of booze and marijuana fumed out of it.

"Hey." Aila was standing right in front of me. Her face was reddened and sweat trickled down her forhead. She was wearing shorts and a baggy white tee.

Dimitri stood up quickly, almost losing his balance. I imagined that's what a person looked like when they were being electrecuted.

"Hey, ready to go?" He asked her with a light twinkle in his eye.

"Actually," a guilty smile played on her lips. "My friend took my car so I was wondering if you could give me a lift."

Dimitri's face went white. I stifled a laugh.

"Well later Dimitri. Get her home safe." I slapped his back, nodding to Aila.

She smiled shyly.

What an idiot Dimitri was, I wondered if he was going to call a cab.

"Judas!" They yelled in unison. I squinted towards the track, noticing two figures running towards me.

Aila reached me in no time, she didn't even seem out of breath. Dimitri, however, looked like he could use an ambulance.

"Could you give us a ride?" She asked, moving her duffel bag to her other arm.

"Do I look like a taxi?" I pursed my lips. No way was I driving her anywhere! I hardly even knew her! Her eyes looked at me expectantly. She probably knew the answer before I even responded. "Sure. Get in."

"Thanks Judas!" She hugged me.

"Uh sure." I looked towards Dimitri. "Need a ride?"

"You're seriously going to ask?" He panted.

"Nah, just trying to make you talk." He gave me a murderous stare.

"Douche, wait until I get in shape."


"Later!" Dimitri stepped out of the car. Leaving only Aila and me.

"So what streets do you live near?" I asked. I was making it a point to not stare at her. She faced out the window staring into the sky. Her light brown was escaping from its ponytail.

"Harbor and Lincoln." She muttered, taking deep breaths. Something was clearly bothering her.

"Hey Judas, can I call you Ju?" Her green eyes looked intently at me.

"Yeah. Sure." I replied. I just needed to get her home and then I could get rid of her.

"Can I ask you something? You're a boy right?"

"No. I'm a girl." I said laughing. She punched my shoulder.

"Stop being sarcastic!" She punched me again.

"Ask away my princess." She gave me a puzzled look. Shit, that slipped out. That's what I get for drawing girly art work.

"If a boy tells you they love you, they mean it right?" She looked at me desperately.

"Do you want the truth or an answer of what you want to hear?" I asked her. My voice sounded serious.

"Truth." She poked my side lightly.

"Josh doesn't mean it." I replied, honking at a car that cut me off.

"You know about me and Josh..." she trailed off. Shit that was two slips today. Of course she didn't know I had seen her during registration.

"I heard about it." I lied easily. Please don't catch my lie, I thought.

"Well I'm not a slut." Her voice coming out tight. I stepped on the brake taken aback. Honks echoed all around us. Slowly, I pressed the accelerator.

"Never said you were." I replied softly. I snuck a look at her, her eyes were full of hate.

"That's my house," she pointed at a blue broken down house.

"Oh." I parked in front of it.

"Thanks." She stepped out of the car, not once glancing at me. Shit I blew it.

"Jude," she walked towards my side of the car. "See you tomorrow."

I smiled and nodded. Then my face was splashed with water.

"Got you." She said smugly.

"Just wait till tomorrow."

"Bring it." Her eyes met mine. We locked gazes, a magnetic pull attracting me closer to her. It was broken when she looked quickly away.

"Bye!" She waved, running to her door.

Time to face my most dreaded hour...


"That you Judas?" My dad slurrred. I was hoping I could sneak past him.

"Yes." I replied... my muscles tensing in anticipation. The house smelled faintly of booze and weed, just like my backpack.

"Get me water," he demanded. I filled a glass in the kitchen, trying to keep my hand steady.

"I don't want water!" He bellowed. I backed up against the wall. "I asked for beer!"

"No you didn't..." I said dryly. Then in a seconds notice I dodged my fathers hand. Grabbing a chair, he flung it at my back as I fled the kitchen. I coughed out blood, falling onto all fours. I crawled towards the front door, his foot came down on my leg. A nasty crunching sound echoed. Followed by yells of pain.

Was I screaming?

I continued to wriggle towards the front door, all I ever wanted was to be somwhere with walls pressed against me, keeping me safe.

"You piece of shit!" He kicked my stomach.

I placed my arms around my head, biting my lip to avoid crying out. I could feel blows all over my body. Blood poured out of my nose.

I couldn't breath. Blood was going down my throat and out my nose. I gagged.

Curling myself into a ball, I shut my eyes.

All I had to hope for was morning, that someone would find me.



Authors note: So what do you guys think?:] Don't forget to vote and comment ! <3

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