Chapter 7- Hush and Listen

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Hey guys <3 sorry for the long wait!

Wattpad wasn't really working we'll on my phone :/

But enjoy!

As always please vote or leave a comment ;)

Au revoir!

btw the picture is Judas :)


Chapter 7

A faint beeping sound tensed me immediately. Bursting my eyes open, I sat upright.

"Whoa," Dimitri said. His firm hands pushed me back against the pillow. Bile rose up my throat, I spat.

"Ouch." I grabbed at my throat, as a searing pain ran up and down it. The walls were white inside the room, the curtains had been pulled, blocking out the sunlight. A small tray rested on the nightstand, the tray contained a pale pink gelatin and what seemed to be orange juice in a paper cup. I was in a hospital ward.

"How'd I get here?" I asked, wincing. Dimitri's eyes had bags under them, he must have had a rough night.

"Your dad brought you." He studied my face carefully. "Last night. After a gang beat the crap out of you."

A gang? What gang?

"A gang?"

A confused expression crossed Dimitri's face. "Yes, your dad found you. And then called me up, telling me... you might not make it through the operation." His voice whispered those last three words.

Operation? My mind felt fuzzy and in a complete state of confusion.

He continued, "I then called Aila to drive me here. We've been here since last night."

"Aila's here?" I asked excitedly. Shit... get a hold of yourself Judas.

"She'll be back. She just went for coffee with your dad."

I gulped, my father was here.

"Hey!" Aila's bright voice said as she opened the door. "You're finally up." My father was trailing behind her. His eyes looked into mine menacingly.

I sunk myself lower into the bed. I stared at the bread in Aila's hand, my stomach growled. I blushed, stupid stomach...

"Here." She handed me the cup on the tray. "Drink up." I sipped it slowly. My stomach growling in appreciation. I felt safe here, with Aila and Dimitri.

"I'm leaving." My father announced. "I need to get to work."

Translation: I just fucked up again, so I'm leaving for a couple of days. Typical for my father to do such thing.

"Wait," Aila reached for him. "Will your wife be coming later?"

Tension rolled in the air. No one blinked, no one dared to breathe. An awkward silence filled the atmosphere.

A light cough resonated. "They're divorced." Dimtri said breaking the silence.

"Oh." Aila's cheeks flushed. "I'm so sorry-"

"It's okay." My dad interrupted. "Goodbye Judas. Stay away from gangs." He emphasized the last word.

I nodded. Turning my gaze back to Aila, "Why are you here?"

"Because..." she hesitated. "I gave...Dimitri a ride." She shuffled uncomfortably.

"Sorry it's my phone." Dimitri said, stepping out of the room. Aila's gaze lingered after him. She seemed to be holding something back.

"What really happened?" She said in a hushed whisper.

"I don't know."

"Don't give me that crap." Her eyes flashed angrily. "Were you drunk at a club again?"

So she thought I had an alcohol problem, I thought smirking.

"It's a serious question Jude." She ran her fingers through her hair. "Or were you high?"

As if! "It's none of your business Aila." I lowered my gaze to the sheets. It really wasn't any of her business, it was mine. Somehow here in the hospital I truly trusted Aila. There was something very calming about her. She gave off confidence, and reassurance. Her eyes seemed to penetrate straight into your soul.

"I'm leaving." Aila stepped into the room. She had stepped out? Grabbing her coat from the chair she said "I'm dropping Dimitri off at school and then coming back to take you home, alright?" She placed a hand at her hip.

"Sure." I said bluntly. Flashing me a smile, she left the room.

I groaned. Great another annoying person to add to my personal life, I swear I'm going to go insane. Or maybe I already am? I banged my fists against my head.

Wait, I could just check myself out. I smiled at the fact that I knew Aila was going to get really pissed off.

I dressed and checked myself out in a hurry, the nurse giving me a strange look as I ran out the hospital door.

I was about a block away from the hospital when...

"Get in the car!" Aila shrieked. She pulled over, I let out a defeated sigh. She was drving a crappy Mazda car.

"Not in that junk." I smirked, eyeing her car. Well at least I made it through one block. I sighed, damn women.

"Get in now," she growled. Rolling my eyes, I opened the passenger's side door.


"Very." her voice taking on a sarcastic edge. She shifted the car into gear, great it was standard not automatic.

"You have such a crappy car." I commented, there were gum wrappers and multiple papers on the floor.

"Not all of us are rich," she mumbled.

My eyebrows rose, I was rich? "Even someone middle class could affor something better."

Her lips went in a hard line. It took me a second to realize she wasnt asking me for directions. I glanced out the window and noticed she was indeed heading the right way.

We pulled into my neighborhood and she let out a low whistle, I cocked an eyebrow.

"What?" She demanded. "These houses are huge!"

I shrugged. I thought mine was pretty small....

"That's your house?" She said breathless.


"Wow..." She was admiring my house, then she went perfectly still.

Oh, it was Josh and Stephanie. Stephanie's belly was getting huge! Aila lowered herself in her seat, too late. Josh began walking towards us, holding Stephanie close to his side.

Aila stepped out, I followed. We met them halfway, Josh and Aila exchanging looks. His lips pulled up into a wide smile. Aila gave him a forced one.

He hugged her and whispered something in her ear, her eyes got wide and then narrowed.

Stephanie stood awkwardly to the side, tugging Josh slightly. I stared at Stephanie's belly, protruding out, I had the strange urge to poke it.

"Baby come here!" Aila called.

I glanced back, who was she talking to?

"Judas come here.." She said with exaggerated patience. I walked over to her suspiciously. She pulled me close, grabbing my hand. "This is my boyfriend." She smiled.

"That's good!" Josh exclaimed.

What the hell was going on? "I'm not her-" I began. Aila stomped on my foot. I snapped my mouth shut.

I smiled, how funny it would be to be Aila's boyfriend.



This is more of a filler :) Sorry loves but please do Vote or Comment!

Until next time, keep on trollin.'

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