Chapter 3

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Amy's P.O.V

I held my machete in my hand as me and Estelle moved closer to the door. I looked at her and she nodded as I quickly kicked the door open resulting in multiple screams.

"What the fuck! Why are you idiots here!?" I shouted.

"We thought it would be safer. Strength in numbers and all that." Evan said, looking scared as I still had a tight hold of my machete.

"Yeah. Safer. Cause walking round with someone who cares more about updating his snapchat story than defending himself, and big pussy who screams at the smallest noise." I snapped looking at Josh and Ross. "And even then I think if I have to listen to another of Pete's bad jokes I think I'd hang myself."

"Harsh." Pete muttered.

"Amy maybe he's right." Estelle said.

"Fine. You stay and get yourself killed." I said, picking up my bag.

"Amy wait!" Josh shouted.

"Don't tell me what to do!" I snapped. I quickly left the factory and slammed the door behind me.

I wandered through the thickening mist trying to find a road at least. Just somewhere that wasn't in the middle of nowhere with somewhere to stay. Walking became more challenging as I could barely see what was a foot in front of me, let alone a meter. All I knew was I could hear something moving near by me. Everything felt cold again and I could sense the danger lurking in the mist. I found myself constantly looking around, thinking that I probably should have stayed with the others. I mean, they're not that bad. Evan was smart, Pete was quite funny and Estelle definitely fancied him. Then there was Ross who was adorable in his own way, and Josh. The guy I found myself loving to hate. He was so obnoxious and irritating but incredibly good looking, which right now is not what I needed. Fuck, I hadn't even known him long and I was stuck in this love hate relationship. Just then I heard a branch snap and some glowing yellow eyes appear to the side of me. Then another pair and then another until there was at least 10 pairs of eyes glaring at me. I didn't fancy my chances but armed myself anyway. I wasn't going down without a fight. They began closing in slowly and it wasn't till I shot one of them that they quickly began to approach me. I ran off into the forest, hoping that the mist would hide me like it was hiding the trees. Yep. You probably guessed. I ran straight into one of the trees knocking my out.

I woke up to a stinging sensation in my arm, a comforting voice and growls. I left my eyes closed as I tried to take my mind off the pain in my right arm.

"Amy. Come on. Wake up! Please!" Josh said, holding my hand as he crouched beside me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at his terrified face.

"Move." I mumbled.

"Amy!" He said, breaking into a smile.

"Josh seriously move to the left or right." I said, slightly louder.

"Why?" He asked.

"Just do it." I said, reaching for my shotgun and he moved quickly out the way. A zombie was running towards up and as soon as Josh moved I pulled the trigger, stopping it dead.

"Woah. Thanks." Josh said, sat by my feet. I laid back staring into the sky my arm stinging more intensely than before.

"Amy. You're arm." Estelle said, as her and the lads approached us. Josh moved closer and took hold of my arm.

"Maybe we could use some antiseptic or something!" He exclaimed.

"Josh, no offence Amy, but this is game over for her." Pete said.

"No." Josh said. "No chance."

"Look, this isn't over till I say it is al'reyt. Right now, I have motivation. Get to the research lab, find a cure. I'm getting there even if it kills me." I said, slowly sitting up and leaning against a tree as I found a bandage in my bag.

"But Mimi-"

"Elle. Shh. It'll be reyt." I smiled, trying and failing to bandage my arm up.

"Let's me help." Josh smiled.

"I can manage." I mumbled.

"Amy, just let me help." Josh said, gently resting his hands on my arm and taking over the bandaging. "I did a first aid course."

"Show off." Evan laughed.

"I'm not. I'm just trying to help." Josh said, gently tying the bandage. "Is that too tight?"

"No. It's fine. Thanks." I said, smiling at him briefly.

"So can we stay with you?" Pete asked. Estelle looked at me smiling.

"Fine. But if you fall behind I'm not waiting for any of you to catch up. So stay close and for god sake don't get into trouble." I said, standing up and picking up my weapons.

"Evan? Do you know where the research lab is?" Estelle asked.

"Roughly yeah." He smiled.

"Right you navigate. I'll go in front, Elle you bring up the rear." I said.

"I'll stay with Elle." Pete smiled. Josh moved to put his arm around me.

"Try it and see how long your arms last." I growled watching as Josh quickly brought his ams back to his sides.

"Shall we set off then?" Ross asked, sheepishly.

"Yeah, let's. I don't fancy getting attacked again." I said. "Right! Remember what I said! Keep close and stay out of trouble!" I shouted.

"Aye commandant." Pete said, saluting stupidly.

"Don't be a mug Pete." I laughed.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"It's okay. You better think of some jokes and stuff Pete. It's going to be a long trek." I giggled.

"Alrighty!" Pete laughed.

"Ah none of Pete's jokes." Josh groaned.

"Do you have a better method of entertainment?" Pete asked.

"I could think of one." Josh smirked.

"One that doesn't involve sexually harassing me?" I said, raising my eyebrow.

"On second thoughts, Pete, get telling some jokes." Josh laughed. I looked over my shoulder to see Estelle laughing as she linked her arm with Pete's.

"No Josh." I said, swatting his asked some away. "Maybe some other time."

The Apocalypse (Josh McClorey and Pete O'Hanlon/The Strypes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now