Chapter 11

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Josh's P.O.V

I laid beside Amy. She'd moved closer to me and was sleeping peacefully. I was gently stroking her hair when I noticed something.

"Hey Elle. Look at this." I whispered moving Amy's hair slightly.

"Josh there's nothing there what am I looking at?" She sighed.

"Exactly! The virus had spread up her neck physically. It's gone!" I smiled.

"Oh my god! Show us her arm!?" Estelle said shocked. I took off the bandage to see it was still visible but healed up. Suddenly Amy sat upright screaming.

"What the fuck happened!? Where am I!?"

"Amy!" Estelle cheered hugging her.

"Oh... Ayup." Amy smiled.

"Good to see you awake again." Pete smiled.

"Good to see ya too! But what actually happened?" She asked.

"We don't actually know..." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Oh well! Let's get going!" Amy shouted jumping up and packing all the stuff.

Amy's P.O.V

"Ev! How's it looking?" I asked.

"Looks clear!" He smiled. "Good to have you back."

"It's good to be back!" I smiled. "Also guys! I promise not to run off again!"

"And I promise not to argue with you." Josh smiled.

"Don't kid ya self. We all know that ain't gunna happen." I laughed.

"True." Josh smiled.

"Amy? Can I have a word?" Estelle asked.

"Yeah sure!" I smiled.

I followed Estelle into the back room and she closed the door.

"What's up Elle?" I asked.

"Mimi... You were talking in your sleep while next to Josh." She said.

"Right..." I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Josh said that you though you were talking to me... And that you said you liked him." She explained. My eyes widened before I buried my head in my hands.

"Oh fuck! Really!?" I said.

"Yeah. I mean he seem pretty like, I dunno... Worried?" She said.

"Oh god..." I sighed.

"Is it true?" She asked. I looked at her and contemplated lying but I didn't.

"Yes. A lot." I sighed, running my hands through my hair.

"So why'd you always argue?" Estelle said.

"Dunno." I shrugged. "I just like talking to him."

"So you have a go at him?" Estelle laughed.

"Yeah! I'm genuinely shit and everyday conversations." I said, blushing.

"Ah okay." Estelle laughed. "Anyway, we better head off."

"Yeah okay." I smiled following Estelle out the room.

"Everything okay?" Josh asked.

"Oh shut up." I sighed.

"What!?" Josh gasped.

"Josh. Shut. Up." I said, grabbing hold of his t-shirt and pulling him into a kiss. "Thank you. Now, let's go!" I shouted, leading the way out leaving Josh and everybody else confused.

We were walking through an abandoned town when I noticed something.

"Yo! Look! There's a football pitch!" I shouted, smiling.

"And?" Evan asked.

"Let's play football?" I suggested.

"Yeah okay!" Pete laughed. I cheered before running onto the pitch and finding some abandoned footballs.

"What shall we do then?" Ross asked.

"I actually don't know. Penalties?" I said.

"Yeah okay!" Pete shouted.

"I'll go in goal." Evan smiled. "If you get it in you get to sit out. The last person to get it in has to offer a forfeit."

"What's the forfeit?" Emma asked.

"You will have to sing My Heart Will Go On." Pete laughed.

"After eating a spoon of super hot Nandos sauce." I laughed.

"Do we have any?" Ross laughed.

"I have." I smiled, pulling the bottle out my bag.

"That's settled then!" Evan laughed. "You first Amy."

"Okay!" I laughed. Being the legend I am I got it in the top left corner. "Ayeeeee! I'm the best!" I cheered, sitting down on the grass. Next up was Ross. He kicked it straight into Evan's hands.

"Fuck." Ross laughed. Josh was the next to score but didn't say anything. He just came and sat beside me not saying anything.

"You okay?" I asked, smiling at him.

"Erm. Yeah." He smiled, avoiding eye contact. "Are you?"

"Yeah. I feel a lot better actually." I smiled.

"That's good then." He said, staring straight ahead.

"Have I done summet wrong here cause I'm confused." I said, raising an eyebrow.

"No, no you haven't." He said.

"So why can't you look at me?" I asked.

"Cause I'm confused." He laughed, turning to face me.

"About?" I said, turning my body to face him and tilting my head.

"You." He laughed. "One minute you want to kill me and the next you want to-"

"What? Fuck you?" I joked.

"Well I don't know! It just took me by surprise that's all." He smiled.

"Is that good or..." I laughed.

"Good obviously! Cause I feel the same." He said, blushing.

"Oh... Well... Sorry for shouting at you for caring about me." I laughed. "And I'm sorry for being a bitch and-"

"Just shut up and kiss me yeah?" Josh laughed.

"Don't push it." I laughed.

"Ah why?" He whined.

"Cause I'm not a push over." I laughed.

"Yeah okay." He said, pushing me onto my back.

"Nah gerroff Josh." I laughed.

"Nope." He grinned.

"You're a twat." I said.

"You're a bitch." He said. I rolled my eyes before laughing. He gently stroked my cheek before leaning to kiss me. He was delicate and kept his thumb on my cheek. I rested my hands on the back of his neck pulling him closer. We pulled away and laid beside each other, our hands interlocked and neither of us saying anything. We just smiled.

The Apocalypse (Josh McClorey and Pete O'Hanlon/The Strypes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now