Chapter 20

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Estelle's POV

I saw Amy and Pete walking back inside. Amy looked really tired and she sat down next to Josh. We were all worries about him, but it killed me inside to see Amy hurt this bad.

Pete sat down next to me and I lay my head on his shoulder. "Is she okay?"

"She will be eventually." He answered.

Ross and Emma were on watch, so I decided to get some sleep. Niall had told us that the lab shouldn't be far from here.

Evan woke everyone as soon as the sun got up. I saw Amy sitting against Josh as she sobbed a little. Josh looked worse than yesterday.

"Come on love." I said to her as I pulled her up and gave her a hug. "The lab's nearby. Josh is going to make it."

Pete and Niall supported Josh and I took Amy's hand.

Everyone was really tired and no one said a word. This lab was pretty much the only thing that was important right now. And we had to find it today.

The sun was scorching our skin and we walked in silence. I turned my head to Amy who was still crying and clutching my hand. I looked behind me to see Pete and Niall practically carrying Josh. Josh couldn't even stand on his own anymore. He was completely out of it. Pete gave me a weak smile as he saw me looking. The look in his eyes told me he wasn't sure if he'd make it.

"Guys, it should just be through this bit of forest." Niall said, moving Josh's arm slightly on his shoulders. Evan had a bottle of water which he offered round.

"Thanks Ev." I smiled, taking a sip before offering it to Pete and Niall. Pete smiled, taking the bottle and then handed it to Niall.

"Thanks." They both said together before passing it back. I held it out to Amy who refused it.

"You gotta keep hydrated Amy." I sighed.

"I'm busy." She mumbled, moving her bag slightly. I passed the bottle to Ross and Emma who then passed it to Evan.

The sun continued to get hotter as the day went on. We needed to rest but we knew if we did that there was no way Josh would survive this. He'd lost all his colour now and his breathing was slower and more shallow.

"Please can we have a break?" Emma said, her voice cracking.

"You can but I'm not until Josh is better." Amy said, taking Josh in her arms and continuing her march to the lab.

I heard a dull noise behind me. Josh has sank to his knees and it looked like he had fainted.

Pete and Amy lay him on his back and I saw that Amy tried to stay strong. I walked over to her and put my arm around her as she cried into my shirt.

"He has to stay here." Niall stated. "If I'm correct, the lab is about half an hour from here. Let's split. A few stay here with Josh and the rest comes with me."

"I'm staying here." Amy and Pete said at the same time. Ross and Emma stayed too.

Evan and I decided we'd go with Niall. I walked up to Amy to give her a hug and ensure we'd be back soon. I quickly gave Pete a kiss and I followed Niall and Evan down the road.

I had no idea how long we had been walking, but as soon as I saw a building surrounded with high fences and a few guards, I knew it wasn't all for nothing.

We had found the lab.

Sorry that it's so short :x ~Estelle

The Apocalypse (Josh McClorey and Pete O'Hanlon/The Strypes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now