Chapter 7

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Amy's P.O.V

"Guys, we're almost there!" Evan said, causing me to look up. Josh was close behind me and I could hear him getting closer.

"Mimi you're going to be okay! That's good right?" He said.

"Don't call me that. You're not my friend." I snapped. Evan led the way down a road towards an old doctors surgery which had been converted into a research lab. All the windows were smashed and the doors were broken.

"Hello!" Ross shouted.

"Ross, shut up." I growled.

"Sorry I just-"

"Shhh!" I said, covering his mouth with my hand. "Elle. I don't think we're alone..." I whispered. Estelle pulled her bow from her back and grabbed an arrow ready to fire.

"Which way?" She asked.

"This way." I whispered. Everyone followed me into a corridor round the back. "Shit! Get down!" I said, quietly.

"Ross!?" Estelle growled, pulling him down with his t-shirt.

"No one move. Elle cover me." I said, carefully moving towards the zombies that were wandering round. I slowly pulled out my machete before climbing onto the top of a cabinet. I watched patiently as one of them walked underneath me without noticing me and I gracefully dropped down onto it and forcing the blade into his neck. I was sneaking up on another one when there was a loud crash from behind me.

"Oops." I heard Ross say. The zombie quickly turned round and forced me onto the floor, screaming in my face as it clawed at it. I began kicking it to try and get it off but failing miserably.

"Amy, don't move." Josh said, before I heard a gun shot.

I just laid there looking at the zombie lying on top of me before slowly pushing it off with my feet. I was covered in blood and some other stuff I didn't want to know.

"You okay?" Josh asked, standing over me.

"Yeah. I think." I said, sitting up. I looked under my shirt at my chest and shoulder to see the virus was still physically spreading.

"It's started moving up your neck too." Josh sighed, crouching next to me.

"Yeah I figured." I sighed. What I didn't get was why hadn't I turned yet. It was still spreading physically but you're supposed to turn within 24 hours, yet I was on my third day. I stood up before quickly striding over to the others.

"Amy I'm so so sorry." Ross said.

"What part of don't move did you not get!?" I asked, more upset than anything.

"I don't know, I'm sorry." He pleaded.

"You're lucky I'm too weak to kill you right now." I growled.

"No one move!" Someone shouted, pointing a gun at us. "Who are you!?"

"We come in peace." Pete said, holding his hands up.

"Seriously Pete?" I sighed.

"Look, I'm here to be experimented on and find a cure for whatever is causing these people to become zombies." I said. "So please move, or I'll have to get rid of you."

"Amy..." Estelle whispered. I could hear what I was saying but not wanting to say it. It was like something was possessing me so I guessed my eyes were glowing like freaking fireflies again.

"The scientists are dead. They didn't stand a chance once we got attacked." She said.

"And you?" I growled, becoming more irritated.

"Look at me. I'm tiny. I just barricaded myself in a room and hid myself in a small cupboard." She explained.

"Seems legit." Ross stated.

"Ross. Shut up or I will sew your lips together." I hissed.

"Look, the biggest lab has a bit better security. They might still be alive." She said.

"Where is this lab?" Evan asked.

"It's on the other side of the country. I roughly know the way, take me with you! I'll do anything to get out!" She pleaded.

"What's your name?" Pete asked.

"I'm Emma." She said, lowering her gun as I did too. "Thank you."

"You can tag along." Estelle said, putting the bow back over her shoulder.

As we carefully walked out the building after acquiring another member, I felt my energy draining fast. I could still feel my face bleeding from where the zombie attacked me. Estelle was at the front with Evan and Pete, Ross and Emma were together in the middle and Josh was just in front of me. I began to drag my feet before falling onto a tree to stop myself falling to the ground.

"Amy!" Josh gasped, quickly running over to me.

"Don't touch me. I'm fine." I growled.

"For fuck sake will you stop being such a stubborn little bitch and just accept that I want to help you!" Josh shouted.

"I can fucking manage!" I growled letting go of the tree and falling straight to the floor. Instead of trying to get up I just laid there, humiliated.

"Amy you can't manage. Just swallow your fucking pride and let us help! You're not well for fuck sake!" He yelled.

"Ugh! Do you think I don't fucking know that!?" I screamed.

"I don't know, do you!? Cause lately you haven't been admitting it to yourself! Not even to us at times till today!" Josh shouted as the others just stood awkwardly watching as I sat leant against the tree.

"At least if I don't admit it I can pretend it's not happening!"

"Amy! This is fucking happening! Just face up to that! Stop thinking about yourself and your pride and start thinking about how you're making the people who care about you feel!" Josh yelled, a vain appearing on his forehead.

"I never asked you to care!" I shouted.

"And I never expected to care for an ungrateful, pig headed bitch, but I guess we both got something we didn't want." He snapped. My head and chest began to tighten as he stared into my tear filled eyes.

"If that's what you think." I said, putting my bag back on my back.

"Amy, I was mad, I didn't mean it." He said.

"No! It's fine! I get it! Why don't you just shout some more shit at me! Like how I'm a liability, or how it'd be easier with out me!" I said, trying hard to not cry.

"Amy I-"

"No Josh! I'm done." I said, pulling myself up. "Elle don't get you and the others killed." I said, before walking into the dark forest.

"Mimi come back!" Estelle shouted.

"Amy please!" Josh shouted. I didn't turn back. I no longer cared about the cure either. I just wanted someone to put me out of my misery. And I wanted them to do it fast. It must have been my lucky day cause I collapsed clutching my head and my chest and passing out in pain, and I still think the worst is yet to come.

The Apocalypse (Josh McClorey and Pete O'Hanlon/The Strypes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now