Chapter 17

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Amy's P.O.V

"What? Elle is that true?" Pete asked, his eyes widening.

"Pete I can explain." Estelle begged.

"What? Explain why you want to murder one of my best friends!?" He shouted.

"Pete please." Estelle pleaded.

"Save it!" Pete snapped. I sat beside Josh and covered him with a blanket.

"Look what you've done now!" Estelle shouted.

"Me!? Nah, you bought this on yourself!" I shouted.

"I decided not to in the end!" She yelled.

"Dude, you still thought about it!" I shouted.

"Look ladies, calm down. We need to get to the research lab." Evan said, standing in between us.

"He's right Mimi." Estelle said.

"Don't talk to me." I snapped, helping Josh up. "We going?" I said.

"Yeah." Pete smiled helping me out with Josh.

We walked in silence for so long and we were still in the forest.

"Niall, how long?" I asked, readjusting how I was holding Josh.

"I'm not sure. We're still pretty far." He said, looking at the map. Josh started coughing violently causing everyone to turn around.

"Josh? You alright?" Pete asked. Josh just continued to cough.

"Guys hold up a sec." I shouted, letting Pete hold all Josh's weight while I got my bottle of water for him to have.

"Thanks..." Josh croaked. I looked at Ross who was holding Emma tight and Evan, Niall and Estelle were checking for zombies lurking as the sun began to set. I noticed something on Josh's face so I crouched down to have a look.

"Hey Pete. Look at this." I said, holding his head up.

"What is that?" Pete asked, looking at Josh's mouth.

"It's the virus... Josh you haven't been bitten have you?" I asked, gently trailing my finger over the mark.

"No..." Josh said, coughing again.

"Oh fuck." I said.

"What's up?" Pete said, looking at me as I stood up. I began pulling at my hair before screaming. "Amy. Calm down."

"I can't fucking calm down! Don't you see!? I'm infected! I kissed Josh! I've effectively killed him!" I screamed punching a tree making my knuckles bleed.

"Woah woah. Amz that's not going to help." Pete said, grabbing my hands.

"What have I done." I cried. Pete pulled me into a hug and began to gently stroke my hair.

"It's going to be okay." Niall said, moving closer. "We're going to get you both to the lab and we're going to sort this out."

"What's happening?" Estelle said, slowly moving closer. I quickly dried my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Okay. No more arguments. We're all in this together, so no one will kill anyone. All that matters right now is that we get to that research lab and we find a cure for this virus." I said, sniffling. "Okay?"

"Okay." Estelle said as she started to cry. "I'm so sorry Mimi."

"It's okay Elle." I smiled, hugging her.

"I'm really sorry I thought that Ross..." She said.

"It's okay. Just please, don't kill me..." Ross pleaded.

"It's promise I won't!" She said, hugging him. "Pete..."


"I'm really sorry." She said, looking at her feet.

"Its okay babe." Pete smiled, pulling her closer.

"Right. Come on. We have to keep moving or were going to lose Josh." I said, trying to pick him up. Pete saw me struggling and came to help.

"I'll carry your bags so you're not dealing with as much weight." Estelle said, grabbing mine, Pete and Josh's bags.

"Lead the way Niall!" I shouted and we began our trek once again.

It was dark now and I could barely see my own hand in front of my face. Evan went to pull out his torch but Niall stopped him.

"Don't do that Ev. We don't want to attract attention to ourselves." Niall whispered.

"Okay." Evan said, putting the torch back in his back.

"Everyone stay close now." Niall whispered as we all moved closer so no one could get lost. I could sense something getting closer and I had a feeling tonight was going to be action packed.

Short again! I'm sorry but I don't know! XD ~ Amy

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