15 ~ Monsters

70 3 1

Louis' P.O.V.

I don't know if she heard me, but I would go to her room tonight and make sure that she knew I would never leave her alone again. She meant too much to me to lose again.  


Ariel's P.O.V.

There is a point in everyone's life where breaking your own heart is better than breaking the heart of the person you love. I knew the consequence of what I was about to do. I knew that Louis would never understand. I knew he would probably be very badly hurt. I also knew that his pain would never amount to the pain I was about to inflict upon myself, even if it was short lived. I knew it would be worth it if he could finally let go and move on so that he could be happy.

~8 hours earlier~

My hands were shaking like a newly shaved chihuahua in December. My palms and pits were sweating and my breathing was totally erratic. Closing my eyes, I inhaled a deep breath and then proceeded up the steps. 

The doorbell was a quick, sharp toll and I waited for what seemed like hours until the door finally creaked open. 

"No appointment, no audience." A big black man stared me down for a few seconds before shutting the door. I was stunned for a slight second but quickly regained my composure.

"He'll want to see me. I promise." I defiantly stated. 

"Name?" The guard ordered.

"Ariel Horan." I swallowed the lump in my throat as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Hold on." He proceeded to close the door and I watched his figure disappear down a hallway through the stained glass window decorating the wood of the door. A few minutes later, the man reappeared.

"Come with me." He growled. I barely made it into the foyer before the door slammed shut heavily behind me. 

The house was so much bigger on the inside. I was awestruck at the design and decor. Down a hallway, up a flight of stairs, down another hallway, to the last door on the right, I followed the black body guard in silence. 

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes." The sickly sweet voice made me want to throw up where I stood.

"Well, aren't you a sight that would sore eyes." I snidely replied and a smirk tugged at the corner's of the older man's lips.

"Please, sit." He motioned at a seat in front of the desk he sat behind. Narrowing my eyes, I slowly sank into the leather. A nod towards the body guard sent the black man away, closing the door behind him. I suddenly felt trapped and afraid.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your pleasant presence?" He leaned back into his giant leather seat and rose one eyebrow.

"I have a few questions for you." I told him and he chuckled.

"My dear, I have no obligation to answer any questions from you. You have no right barging into my home and demanding things from me." He countered harshly.

"I have every right. After everything you have put me through in the last two years, I deserve answers." I pushed, my voice raising slightly.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me." He spat.

"I did everything you wanted. I said everything you wanted. I hurt him, all of them. I've spent a year and a half in absolute agony knowing that everything was my fault. Then I realized, it isn't my fault. It's yours." I jabbed a finger in his direction. My nervousness was quickly evaporating and anger was filling its place.

Lovely Lonely Lullabies [Sequel to Opposites Attract]Where stories live. Discover now