22 ~ Taking A Break

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Niki's P.O.V.

If she was giving up on staying away from him, then what was all of this for? Why had she done something so selfish? Everything about her was somehow about Louis too and I just kept getting this sinking feeling that he was the reason she had hurt herself. I loved Louis, but as that door shut behind me, I felt betrayed.


Niall's P.O.V.

"Are we almost there?" Ryder asked me anxiously from the passenger seat.

"Don't worry, buddy." I gave him a reassuring smile that seemed to help him relax a little.

Aunt Kel had called me three days ago with the news that Ariel was awake. Ryder and I had basically been forced by everyone to take a small 'vacation' and go visit Zayn. I knew that the atmosphere in that hospital room wasn't good for someone as young and influential as Ryder, but leaving Ariel had crushed me.

Zany was doing really good out on his own. I was proud of him and the music he was making now, but the fact that he could so easily move on and continue with his career like nothing was happening made my blood boil a tad. I love Zayn, and I understand why he left, but the fact that he left felt like a stab in the back to everything we had been trying to create as a band.

"Here we are." Ryder leaned across the seat in front of me to look at the large building outside of my window.

"It looks like a prison." Ryder whispered and I sighed heavily.

"I know it seems scary, but this is honestly the best place for Ariel to be right now." I clapped a hand on the back of Ryder's neck and squeezed gently.

"Is everyone else here too?" Ryder wondered.

"I think it's just Louis today." I told him and he gave a small smile.

"I like him. I like that even after this big mess he's still staying with her. I think she needs him." Ryder rambled and I felt my heart swell with pride.

"You're one mature little dude, cousin." I teased and he shoved me away as he blushed.

"Let's go." Ryder jumped out of the car and began walking up the sidewalk. I had to run to catch up to him.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen." An older woman, maybe 45, in floral pattern scrubs smiled brightly at Ryder and I across the check-in desk.

"Hello. We're here to see Ariel Horan." I leaned one elbow on the countertop as she began to type on her computer.

"Alrighty, here's your visitor tags. Ariel is on floor 3, room 221." The woman slid two blue stickers that had 'Visitor' written in the white space across the counter to me.

"Thank you." I smiled at the woman before slapping one sticker on Ryder's shirt. I placed my own pass on my shirt as we began walking towards the elevators.

Ryder found Ariel's room quickly but stopped in front of the dark wooden door and just stared at the brass numbers. I put my hand on his shoulder and then rapped my knuckles lightly on the door.

The door swung open after a few seconds to reveal Louis in his favorite striped shirt and jeans. His smile grew as he realized who we were and then he pushed the door wider.

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