6 ~ Half A Heart

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Spring Break is a wonderful time to update things!!! You're welcome!!!

~*~ recap ~*~

The moment she turned, I realized she was going to run away. I jumped off the stage as she disappeared out of the doors. Screaming her name, I had a horrible flash back of the airport and I pushed even harder. There was no way I was going to let her go again. She was here, in a place where there was no where to run. I could convince her to talk to me. Maybe I could convince her to love me again. 


Niki's P.O.V.

As Ariel fled from the room, I saw Louis jump off the stage to follow her. He started screaming her name and I grabbed his arm as he ran past me. He spun on me wildly and his eyes were full of panic.

"Louis, let me go talk to her." I ordered and he opened his mouth to speak but shut it after a few seconds and nodded. 

I ran out of the room and went straight to the door I knew Ariel was hiding behind. I knocked slightly on the door of her bedroom.

"Ariel, open up." I said through the crack.

"Go away, Niki." Her voice was filled with anger.

"A, come on. Let me explain." I tried to reason.

"No. Go away." She yelled and I stepped back from the door, a little hurt.

Out of nowhere, a small blonde appeared beside me and she smiled at me.

"Hello." She spoke properly and I knit my eyebrows.

"Hi." I replied.

"You're Niki, right? I'm Teryn." She smiled and outstretched her hand. I took it and nodded at her question.

"Nice to meet you." I said a little warily.

"Ariel, let me in." She whispered at the door after she stepped past me and rapped lightly.

I went to tell the girl that Ariel wouldn't open up to her. That she was stubborn and locked everyone out when she was upset. Suddenly, the lock clicked and the door opened slightly. My mouth gaped as the girl slid in through the small opening and the door clicked shut and the lock turned once more. 

Tears started streaming down my face as I realized that I had been rejected by my own best friend. I had been replaced. That Teryn girl had taken my place. She had even gotten Ariel to open up in ways even I couldn't do. I couldn't breathe and I was a little incoherent as I slowly made my way down the stairs. The boys were all standing at the bottom of the stairs talking to Louis as he cried on the lowest step.  

Harry's head whipped up as my shoes clicked on the steps and he ran up to meet me. His arms wrapped around me and I buried my head in the crook of his neck, breaking completely down and crying into his shirt as he tried to comfort me. 

Ariel's P.O.V.

"What's wrong, Ariel?" Teryn rubbed my back supportively as we sat on my bed. 

"Why would Niki do this to me? She knows how much I've been struggling. How could she just bring him here like it was no big deal. This couldn't have been anyone else's idea. She had to know. How could she do this?" I sobbed and Teryn smiled sympathetically.

"Ariel, I don't believe Niki was trying to hurt you. Everyone knows the pain that you are going through. She knows how you feel about him as well. Niki probably believes she was doing you a favor, helping you. It is beyond evident that you and Louis belong together. You just need to accept the fact that you need him. I know that you did what you did to protect him but if he keeps coming back, then he doesn't care how he is hurt. You hurt him at that airport and he still wants you. He still loves you and you need to at least talk to him. Tell him the truth. Maybe he'll leave once he knows the details." Teryn's words were always so wise and I looked at her unsure as I contemplated her advice.

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