chapter 6

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Chapter 6- Chaotix team visits

I awoke the next day with the sun coming through my window. I got up and checked the time to see that it's 7:15 a.m. (that's real early for me). I couldn't go back to sleep, so I grabbed a writing pad, a pencil, and headed downstairs. I walked over to the dinning room table and sat down. I layed out my writing pad, held my pencil, and began writing. I wrote "18 birthday wish list" at the top. I then started singing "back at one" style to myself and used my own version/words for my list. {1, I want to fall in love; 2, a gift from up above; 3, it's just plain to see , that I need to make friends indeed; and 4, become a famous singer; 5, next to it, be a writer. Whenever I believe that i'm all done, then i'll start back at one}. [yeah, yeah, yeah]. "Good Morning". said a familiar voice. I turned around to see shadow standing in the doorway of the dinning room. "oh snap"! I said in my head and jumped back. Shadow started walking towards me and I started to get nervous. "you sing beautiful". he commented. I then started to relax. "You heard that"? I asked getting embarrassed. "Don't be embarrassed, you sing like an angel". My face started to turn red and I smiled warmly. "Thanks". I then sat back down in my chair and looked at my list. "We didn't introduce ourselves properly the other day". "Hi, i'm Shadow, Shadow the Hedgehog". he said holding out his hand to me. "And you are"? I then stood up and looked at him. "I'm Sophia Brook, but please call me Sophie". I correctly said. "Nice to meet you, sophie". he said taking my hand and gently kissed it. I sat there in shock. (I thought amy told me to not to bother this guy)? "What's this"?  shadow said looking at my list. "oh that's,...nothing". I gently said while looking away. "Is it your birthday"? he asked surprised. "no". I quietly said. "it's May 17th". I said nervous like. "have you planned anything special"? he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Not really". "Interesting". he said smirked like. (why did he say it like that)? "good morning you two". said amy walking to the kitchen. "hey amy". I said shaking a little bit. "I'm gonna start cooking breakfast, would you like to help me"? she asked. "sure". I said. Shadow then started to leave. "I'm gonna go for a walk". "ok, bye shadow". said amy pulling me towards the stove. "bye shadow". I said [I'll see you later]. turned around, but shadow never said a word. [creepy] I thought to myself. "ok, let's get to work". encouraged amy. "ok". I enthusiastically said. We started cooking at 7:35 a.m. and finally stopped at 8:03 a.m. "whew"! "at last were done". said amy putting the last thing on the table. "HEY"! Breakfast is ready, get you butts down here, NOW"!  "is that necessary, amy"? I said tapping her on the shoulder. "Yes"! "people around here, don't ever come down on time". I then saw a stampede of people running towards the table. "Well, they are today". I smirkly said. I then saw a bright light appeared near the table. It was shadow, coming back from his walk. Everyone sat in a particular spot and I sat second to last chair at the end. To my surprise, shadow sat at the end, right beside me. [is it okay, if I sit here]? I looked around , but nobody said those words out of their mouths. "who said that"? "said what, sophie"? asked tails as he was pilling up his plate. "nothing". I lied. Amy then sat beside sonic and they all started stuffing their faces. "So, Silver, have you found out who the stranger from the future is"? asked knuckles. "No", but were working on it". he finished. "I think were getting close". added Blaze. I started eating and then my head was full of pain. Everyone was doing their own thing and in a different conversation. Shadow kept looking at me like he knew something was wrong. I then started holding my head with my left hand and everyone started starring at me. "Sophie, are you okay"? asked cream.  "May I be excused"? I asked. "yes, go right ahead, hun". said rouge as the rest of them watched me get up and exit the house. I sat on the bottom porch step and starred out at the sky. "What is wrong with me"? I said quietly to myself. "I wonder how my family is doing and if egg man is gonna come after me for my power". "hey". I then saw shadow behind me. "hey". He then sat down on the porch step behind me. "Are you alright"? I just looked ahead of me. "I don't know". Shadow then looked at me with sympathetic eyes. "What's wrong"? "Lot's of things". I immediately said. Shadow then put his hand on my hand. (That caught my attention real quick). "If you ever want to talk and get something off your chest, you can come talk to me". "okay"? I then looked at the ground and then backed at him. "ok". Shadow then shook his head in satisfaction. Shadow then started coming closer to me. I was about to freak out until......"Sophie, you want to come help me with the dishes"? "Sure". I immediately said. "I'll see you later Shadow". I got up to go inside. "Are you sure"? I heard these words pop in my head and none come out of his mouth. I was then starting to get furious. "There you are, sophie". said amy drying off a plate. "Are you alright"? "You seemed to have felt unsteady earlier".  "Yeah, I know". I said grabbing a dish towel and started drying off a cup. "I guess i'm a little stressed out, that's all". We then finished up the dishes and then heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it". yelled out tails. "Hey guys". said tails loud enough for everyone to come to the living room. "guys, the Chaotix team is here". Everyone went to the door and greeted a huge, green crocodile; a small , hyper bumble bee; and a purple camillion. Amy  then pulled me close to them so fast, that I tripped and fell on the purple camillion. "Are you alright"? he asked. "I'm fine". "sorry". I lightly blushed. He then smiled back and I began to glare at amy. "what"? "you were too slow"! I just rolled my eyes. Amy then started introducing. "Sophie, this is Victor the crocodile, charmy the bee, and espio the camillion". "Nice to meet you, I'm sophia brook, but please call me sophie". "nice to meet you too, sophie". yelled out victor. "what brings you here"? asked knuckles in suspicion. "we have some interesting information that we think you guys would be interested in". answered victor. "Like what"? asked sonic getting impatient. "Lets go to the living room and talk". insisted espio.  We all  gathered in a circle on the floor. "hey, where is Silver, Blaze, and Shadow"? I blurtly asked. "well,  silver and blaze are working on finding that escaped criminal from the future". said knuckles. "who knows where shadow is, and his whereabouts". added sonic. "Should we wait for them"? I asked. "Nah, will tell them all about it, later". chuckled knuckles. "anyway, what did you have to tell us"? asked rouge. "well, we just found out that eggman created a weapon called "the egg drainer". said victor. They all rolled their eyes. "How did you guys find out"? asked knuckles getting furious. "Because, we have different ways, duh"? yelled out charmy. "don't test me, bee"! yelled back knuckles. "Nah Nah, Nah Nah Nah". "your so dumb"! knuckles started to get full of rage. "Cut it out, or you'll {bee} exterminated". Knuckles and Charmy kept at it for a good while. "Are they always like this"? I asked. "Sadly yes". admitted Rouge. "ok you guys, cut it out". said sonic trying to calm them down. "He started it". said knuckles. "Did not"! said charmy. "ANYWAY"! yelled out victor. Then the two of them stayed quiet. "Eggman made that machine to capture the -so called- {chosen one}" and drain their powers". finished espio. "Who's the chosen one"? asked cream. "were not sure yet cream, that's what were trying to figure out and to also warn you guys about eggman, of course". said victor. "Should we form some sort of plan or something"? asked rouge. "ya becha". said sonic confidently. Everyone then broke out in a different conversation. I then decided to go upstairs to get away from the chaos. I finally arrived to my room and went in. All of a sudden, someone slammed the door behind me. I started to shake and turned around. I then saw shadow locking the door. I started to back up and I sat on my bed. Shadow came closer and closer to me and I started sweating and my heart began to race. Shadow then stood in front of me. " I think I know why you have that ring power"? "Then why"? I asked. Shadow then came closer. "Eggman was at your house, because his radar picked-up a powerful person who is unstoppable". I then looked at the ground. "That person is you". "you are the chosen one". I then looked back up at him. "My question is......would you like me to help you"? he asked. I then started to get confused. "like how"? "like training you to control your powers, of course". he said with a smirk. "please, help me". I desperately asked. We then heard a loud racket downstairs. "c'mon, lets go see what the commotion is about". Shadow then grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my room.

My shadowy life (shadow the hedgehog love story) fanfiction  (#Wattys2014)Where stories live. Discover now