chapter 9

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Chapter 9- Training too hard

"First thing your going to do is learn control". I sat there confused. "Huh"? I said. "Here, let me show you". he said standing far away from me. "Shadow, what are you doing"? "Chaos Spear"! he yelled and shot energy, from his hands, at me. "Ahhh". then energy from my ring made a force field around me and absorbed Shadow's power. "your power only works when you are scared, making you force it out". he said. "Plus, making you drain all your energy with no control". he concluded. "Your problem is concentration". he finished off. He then put a potted plant in front of me. "Here, cut this in half". I wore a shocked expression. I closed my eyes and put my energy in the ring. I said in my mind "cut it, like a piece of paper, with scissors". I then started to get weak. "ow". I said. "focus". said shadow. "Focus on that plant". I then centered my self and kept  a calm mind. I then opened my eyes. "Chaos Spear"! I yelled and sliced the potted plant in half. "how was that"? Shadow then came closer to me. "perfect slice". he said. "Again". he announced. Hour by hour, we did nothing but train and practice. We even did exercises. We did this for 3 weeks, going on 4. I then became a pro. "Chaos Blast"! I yelled. I then blasted a tree, making a perfect circle. "your getting better at this". he commented. "I have you to thank". I said very shy. "your so cute when your shy". he said hugging me. "lemonade"? said amy coming out of the house with three cups. "sure". I said. "Will take 5". said shadow. We then sat on the ground and drank our lemonade. Amy then joined us. "you guys have been working hard lately and it's probably time for a break". "Were good amy". I responded. "i'm serious, sophie". "If you work too hard, you'll be too tired and stressed out all the time". "I'm telling you, were fine". I argued. "whatever you say". she responded. "i'll let you two get back to your training". Amy then went back inside and it was me and shadow again. "Ready"? shadow asked "yes". I said walking over to the tree. "No sophie, were gonna do something different". "ok". I said with confidence. "You now know how to take objects down, but". I then listened real good. "It's time to do it on a moving object, like a person". I was all ears but was starting to get nervous for what he was about to say. "Will have to fight". (too late). I then yelled. "AHHHH"! I climbed the tree. I hid in the heart of the tree and sat there. I turned to my right to see shadow sitting here. "Don't worry, i'm not going to hurt you". "we are just training, that's all". Shadow then reached his hand out tot me. "Trust me, sophie". "Nothing will go wrong".  I then took his hand. "Alright, let's do it". Shadow and I then jumped out of the tree. Shadow then stood at the back of Sonic's house while I stood in front of the forest. "Fight with all your might and time yourself". he ordered. "Most importantly, Focus". "GO"! he yelled and we both started to run in different directions. We then saw sonic and knuckles run out of the house, fighting. Shadow stopped and turned around to look at them. "Now is my chance". I said to myself. "I'll squash you like a bug"! yelled out knuckles throwing his fists with sonic dodging. "You have to catch me, first". teased sonic. I then snuck behind shadow and focused my energy. Shadow then turned in my direction. "Chaos Blast"! I yelled and nailed shadow in the stomach. He went flying across the sky, went back first on Sonic's house, and fell flat on the ground, without budging. Sonic and Knuckles then starred at Shadow and then at me. "What did you do"? asked knuckles. "I didn't mean it"! I yelled with worried some in my face. I came running to passed out shadow, but sonic stopped me. "No, Sophie". "You can't control your power, you might hurt someone else". "but....I". I said turning red with frustration. "Amy, come out here"! yelled sonic. "Yes, sonic"? she said all flirty like. She then saw Shadow. "What in the world happened"? she yelled. Then sonic and knuckles pointed to me. "I'll be right back". she said running inside. Few minutes later, she came with supply kits and materials. Everyone came running outside and gathered around unconscious shadow. (I feel so awful). "Dang sophie, why did you have to go and be a freak, like that"? asked charmy. I wore a shocked expression and thought about me and shadow kissing. "Shadow". I said in my head. I then began to cry. "Sophie.....". said blaze as she and silver ran over to me. "I'm sure it was just an accident, correct"? asked silver. I shook my head. "Don't take it personal". "They are just scared of what might happen". said blaze giving me a hug. "OH NO"! yelled amy. "HE STOPPED BREATHING"! Amy then gave him a shot. I started to freak out. "it's okay sophie". "come down". said silver holding my hand. "Wow Shadow will be mad at you when he wakes up". said charmy. "Shut up, charmy"! yelled blaze and silver. "Yeah, shut up charmy". said victor slapping him in the back of the head. "it's not your fault, sophie". said tails. I then bawled up my fists and ran inside. "Sophie"! yelled out blaze. "come back"! finished off silver. I ran in my room and locked the door. I closed my balcony door and locked it. I then Threw myself on the bed. "If shadow dies, it's my fault". I said to myself through my cries. "I won't live with my self again"! I yelled and threw my head, face first, in my pillow. "what have I done"? I waited and waited and still no sign of hope yet. I just laid on the bed and went into a depression.   Shadow's point-of-view: I saw nothing but darkness, then all of a sudden, I started to see blurry spots and began to stir. "uh". I said. "everyone, shadow is waking up". yelled amy. She patted my head with a warm, wash cloth and spoon fed me medicine. "where is sophie"? I asked. "She's inside". responded faker. "I'll go get her". he then raced inside. "How do you feel"? asked amy. "I'm ok". I replied back. "I'm the Ultimate Life Form". "yeah, but you really got your butt kicked pretty hard earlier, by a girl". answered charmy. I just glared at him with no sympathy. "I'm sorry". he responded back. Sonic then came running out of the house worried. "Well, where is sophie"? I asked. "She's not coming". sonic replied. "is she okay"? I asked back. "She locked the door". replied faker. (I had enough, I had to go see if she was okay). "I'll go see her myself". I said getting up. "Be careful, Shadow". amy warned me. "I'll be fine". I replied back. I headed inside and went upstairs.   Normal point-of-view: I sat on the bed feeling pretty bad about my self for what I did to shadow. I then heard a knock on the door. "please just go away sonic"! I yelled. "it's Shadow, not faker". replied the voice of shadow. I just sat there in shock. "please, let me in". I then got up from bed and opened the door. "Shadow". I said starting to cry again. I was then pulled into a hug. "Don't ever scare me like that again"! I said with small cries. "You too". he said then giving me a kiss. "I thought you were done for". I admitted. "Nah, i'm the Ultimate Life Form". he said. I just smirked at his remark. "But besides hurting me, you focused, were on time, and real sneaky". I looked at the ground. "that was perfect and I couldn't be prouder". "Thanks". I said. we then noticed it turning dark outside. "let's go get some food". said Shadow. "Sounds good to me". I replied. We exited the room and headed downstairs.

My shadowy life (shadow the hedgehog love story) fanfiction  (#Wattys2014)Where stories live. Discover now