chapter 7

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Chapter 7-My depression

We headed downstairs to see knuckles being held back by rouge. "What's the matter this time"? I asked. getting annoyed. "That bee is really gonna get it this time"! yelled out knuckles. "Charmy thought it was real funny to tell me that I wasn't qualified or good enough for the guardian of the Master Emerald". (Those words are the worst things that you could ever say to knuckles). "Apologize, Charmy". commanded Victor. "Why, for speaking the truth"? he yelled back. "That does it"! screamed knuckles as he charged at charmy but then rouge held him back again. "Oh brother". I said rolling my eyes. "I'll take care of this". insisted rouge. She then kissed knuckles on the cheek. "You know I love you, right"? asked rouge. Knuckles then calmed down and kissed her back with him blushing all across his face. "I'm just glad that you will never leave me". said knuckles hugging rouge. I then remembered me and the boy in my dream the other day. I then had a flash back. ~flash back~ me and the boy were sitting under the moonlight and holding hands. "You know i'll always will be there for you, right"? said the boy. "I know you will, because your my true love". I answered back. "I love you" he said. "I love you too". We then kissed. I then shot my eyes wide open and saw everyone starring at me. I felt tears going down my face. "hey, what's wrong"? asked amy giving me a hug. "Nothing, i'm just tired, that's all". We then heard the sound of footsteps running down the staircase. "guys, we figured out who the criminal is". yelled out silver. Silver and Blaze then noticed the Chaotix team. "Hi guys, what brings you here"? he asked. "Will tell you later". said sonic. "Anyway, come see this". finished off Blaze. Everyone ran upstairs and headed to the research lab.  (yes, sonic has one of those). We then all arrived in the lab and looked at the huge screen on the wall. There were chemicals and supplies everywhere. (it looked just liked the healing room that I was in since I've been here). They then pulled up three pictures of a porcupine. (who, by the way, was black and grey). "This is Jeff Mingleton". said silver pulling up more pictures. "He is a trickster and is in different disguises". added blaze. They then pulled up his different outfits. "he also has unlimited power and is impossible to stop once he reaches his Maximum". said silver levitating a book. "What's that"? asked cream as everyone was looking at it. "It's my book of names and codes". said silver with confidence. "do you mean your diary"? asked sonic. Everyone then started to snicker. "'s just codes, that's all". said silver blushing. "And people's names". finished off rouge. Silver then huffed as the rest of them laughed except for me. "Continue, silver". I said. "Thank you". "Well, anyway, I'll copy this information in my code book and fill out more things beside his name if we know anything else". said silver saving and recording his data. I then felt someone's presence near the window. I then walked over to it and saw  a flying robot 10 feet away. "Get Down"! I yelled. "what did you say"? asked amy. Then all of a sudden, they threw something through the window. "Bomb"! yelled sonic. Everyone took over but I tripped and fell. "Ahhh"! the bomb was about to go off. I then closed my eyes and felt someone grab me. "It's ok sophie, your safe". said the voice of Shadow. I opened my eyes to see me and shadow in front of Sonic's house. I then looked up where the bomb was to see that there was no explosion. "What's going on here"? I asked now becoming ill. "I don't know, but i'm about to find out". finished shadow. We then ran inside to see everyone gathered around a white ball figure with a hologram of eggman sticking out of it., in the living room. "ho ho ho". laughed the villainous person. "Hello everyone, how did you like my little introduction"? "It was splendid if you likely to almost have a heart attack"! I sarcastically said. "then it was successful". he added. "What do you want, eggman"? asked amy. "I have detected that you have Chaos Emeralds in your area". "Who says we do and what makes you think we will hand it over"? said tails holding up his fists. "Because, I will do something so cruel to you guys that it will be just as bad as what happened, in sophie's situation". That caught my attention real fast. "What do you mean, my situation"? I asked. "oh, they didn't tell you , did they"? eggman cruelly said. "What's going on here"? I asked. Everyone wore blank expressions. "Well"? I said crossing my arms. "They have been keeping secrets from you". I then started to get mad. "If you really want to know, i'll show you". "Don't sophie"! "It's a trap"! yelled out knuckles. Then a silver/yellow robot came in with a big yellow mini TV. "set it on the table, B7". ordered eggman. The robot then turned on the TV on channel eggman #7. I then saw a red and blue robot on the TV. [testing....123]. [confirming information for eggman]. [recording location of chosen one]. [chosen one is not found]. [recording eggman's communication for sample]. It then showed night time on earth. "That's my house". I automatically said. It then showed eggman draining my energy and then everybody fighting. I then saw the figure come near me and protected me. "Are you alright"? said the figure. I then saw me pass out on the TV. Then the figure picked me up and started running me near my house and layed me on the wall of it.  I then saw the figure's face. "Shadow"? I said looking at him with surprised eyes. "It was you"? Shadow then shook his head yes. I then saw eggman throw little, blinking bombs at my unconscious self. Then all of a sudden, shadow pulled me away from the super fast and ran me away from the house in 3 seconds. I then saw the bombs hit my house and it exploded. My eyes opened real widely and everyone turned away. "oh, and there's one more thing, too". said eggman. "You have something that I want, girl". I then glared at him. "Either hand it over or else". I then picked up the white ball/orb and threw it at the wall. The connection with eggman was lost. The robots then rushed out the house and took the TV with them. Then all of a sudden, the TV exploded and the robots went flying across the sky. I then started turning red with anger and sadness. I then felt a tear rolled down my face. "Sophie, I....." But before shadow could finish his sentence, I ran out of the house and it started to rain. I kept going and ran through the deep part of the forest. I kept running and running until I saw a fountain in the middle of the forest. There were long chairs/stools surrounding the fountain and water was pouring out. I then dropped to my knees, layed my head flat on the stool and began to cry. I sat there for a good while until someone put their hand on my shoulder. I looked up, to my right, and saw Shadow looking down at me. I then turned away. "I'm sorry, sophie". he said trying to comfort me. I then started crying again. Shadow then sat beside me and started stroking my hair. "Thank you for saving me". I said out of nowhere. "Your welcome". he answered back. "I'll always be there for you". My eyes then shot wide open and I pictured a memory of me and the boy in my dream. I then saw me crying while holding his picture of him in my hands. "NO"! I yelled out. I came back to reality and realized that I had yelled in real life as well. "What's wrong"? "What happened"? panicked shadow while he pulled me in for a hug. I then pulled away. "no, not again". I said turning around. "I can't take it". I said softly. I then stood up and started walking away until shadow grabbed my hand and stood up as well. "what are you talking about"? asked shadow. I stayed quiet. "Please, just tell me". insisted shadow.I then gave in. "ok shadow, ok". I said taking a deep breath. "Take your time". he said with a little smile. "I am sad because not only for the explosion incident, but also the {boyfriend} incident as well". I said trying to relax. Shadow just starred at me.  "Anyway, his name was Brad Foster and I loved him very much until....." "Until what"? Tears went down my face. Shadow then put his hand on my hand.  ~flashback~  I was sitting at me and brad's favorite spot and our favorite place (on a flat rock/mountain, with a rushing waterfall behind us, at a nearby forest/lake). "hey". brad said hugging me. "hey". I said back. We then kissed and hugged . Then all of a sudden, we heard gun shots coming from the forest. "Stay here and whatever you do, don't come after me". he ordered. "no, don't go"! "you'll get killed"! I yelled. "If I don't do this, you won't be safe". he said. "I have to send him away from our special place". "I'll be back, I promise". I then gave him a worried look. "be careful". I cautioned. I then gave him a kiss good bye. He headed in the forest. It's 8:05 p.m. He had been gone for hours. It then started to get dark. "Where is he"? I asked. I got up and went into the forest. I kept walking and took out a flashlight. I then saw something dangling in the distance. I walked over to it. I flashed my flashlight on it. I dropped it and started to freak out. Brad was dangling from a vine tied to his neck, while hanging from the top of the tree. I then saw a person in the distance. I became scared and started running away. He started shooting and it hit brad in his back. I began crying while I was running. I climbed up the mountain/rock and sat up there. Then the person in the forest disappeared. I then pulled out a picture of brad and began to cry. I then stared at the moon. "NO"! I yelled ~flashback ends~  I opened my eyes back to reality to see shadow starring at me with sorrow eyes. I then wiped my tears away. "I'm sorry shadow, I just.....". Then shadow hugged me tight. "I'm sorry that happened to you". he said squeezing me tight. "I promise you that i'll help you get through this thing". "Thank you". I said and I then relaxed. "Do you feel any better"? he asked me. "yes, I was just stressing for so long that there was no sign of happiness left in me anymore". I admitted. Shadow then came closer to me. "can I tell you a secret, sophie"? he asked. I then turned puzzled. "Sure". I said looking a little nervous. "I too, have lost someone very close to my heart". he said "Really"? I said looking at shadow with surprised eyes. "Yes, her name was Maria Robotanik and she was kined to eggman". "What"!?! I said getting confused. "yeah, that's how I look at it now". he admitted. He then cleared his throat. "Anyway, it's a long story so you might as well get comfortable". "Can we talk back at Sonic's now"? I asked. "Sure". shadow said as he chaos controlled us back home (or Sonic's). 

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