Chapter 16

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Chapter 16-Surrendered

We then exit out of the woods and were going to the park. "hey Jimmy, i want you to meet my friends". "Friends"? he asked. We then saw a herd of people running towards us. "Ah, here they come now". Shadow then grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me over to him. "Ow Shadow". I yelped. "Don't ever do that again! he yelled. I then shook with fear, seeing his angry, ruby red eyes. His eyes then softened and he loosened his grip. "I didn't know where you were". he said softly. "I thought you were captured". "I can assure you that i'm fine". I said with no hesitation. He then hugged me. "I just want to protect you, that's all". "I know shadow, I know". "I want you guys to meet.....". I turned around to see no one there. "hey, where'd you go"? I asked. I then saw jimmy hiding behind the swings. I walked over to him. "hey, you can trust me and you can trust them, ok"? "Are you sure"? he asked. "positive". I responded back. "ok". I then took his hand and led him over to my friends. "guys, this is Jimmy the Fox". Jimmy hid behind me. "nice to meet you, jimmy". answered cream. After everybody introduced, jimmy then became more comfortable and came out from behind me. "you and tails will probably get along just fine". I said. I said. "yeah, i work with engineering, what about you"? asked tails. "I'm technical with electronics and can hack into various bases". I then looked surprised. (wow he's just like tails. I guess foxes are genetically smart). I then snapped out of my train of thought. "lets go"! i yelled. "right". everyone agreed. We then headed back on our trail. We then arrived to a secret base that looked like it was made out of metal. "how are we gonna get inside without being spotted"? jimmy asked. I then pulled shadow over on the other side by ourselves. "yes"? shadow asked. "Shadow, I have kept something from you and the others". Shadow then raised a brow. "now i want you to see and maybe it can help us". "go on". he said. I then pulled out a blue chaos emerald out of my pocket. "so you have a chaos emerald, big deal". he said. i then huffed. "Shadow, look closer". He then looked straight at it to see two hearts carved in it, with a arrow shooting into it. "what kind of emerald is this"? he asked. "it's a special one that a powerful being can use when it has a true love". I answered. "I found it in my world and kept it for good luck". "they say that if two lovers love each other more than what it's worth, a miracle will happen". "it's very small". shadow blurted out. "yes, but very powerful". "we can control the power of it with our love". I announced. Shadow then smirked. "what"? I asked. "our love might be too strong for the emerald to handle". I then punched him in his arm playfully. "oh hush". "so all we have to do is focus on what we have to do and then go along with it"? he asked. "I suppose". "I never used it before". Shadow then rolled his eyes. "now you tell me". "hey, at least i found a way"! I yelled back. Shadow then took the love emerald from me. "let a professional handle this". Shadow then began to focus and me and him started to disappear. "AH"! "what's happening"? i asked. Then all of a sudden, we were completely invisible. "I can't see myself". I said. "that's because i turned us invisible". he sarcastically said. "oh shut up, shadow". I answered back. "now we can get inside". Me and shadow then chaos controlled inside the base. "here's the security system". i said. We then cut everything off and opened the door. "hey, the door's open"! yelled sonic. "yes sonic, yell louder"! yelled back knuckles. "this could be a trap". said tails. "it's no trap, me and shadow shut down the security system". I said with confidence. Sonic then started looking around. "who said that"? he asked. "me". i answered. "who"? asked tails. "me". i said getting irritated. Shadow then tapped me on the shoulder "maybe we should change back". he insisted. "good idea". We then started focusing our power and poofed back. "AH"! everyone yelled. "where did you come from"? "my mama". I smirkly said to sonic. Knuckles began to laugh at sonic. "Anyway, save the jokes for later if you want to save your sister in time". said blaze. "right". i said. We all then barged in and kicked down every door until we found Tina's cell. "TINA"! i yelled. "sophie get out of here before....". Then all of a sudden, the door closed and locked. "that happens". tina said trailing off. "well, well, well". "back for more"? said Mingleton coming out from the shadows. There was then mingleton's minions  surrounding us with guns. "please, you think we can't get out of this"? asked shadow. "of course not, when you don't have these". Mingleton then pulled out all of our chaos emeralds. We then all started checking our pockets. I still had my love emerald. (i guess he thought it was useless or something). "how did you get those"? asked vector. "why, with the help of jimmy, or course". "Jimmy"? i asked. We then turned around to see jimmy at a lever. He then pulled it and cages fell on top of us. "LET US OUT"! yelled amy. I then looked at jimmy. "why jimmy"? "i'm sorry, but i had no choice". Then the pink and purple fox, named taffy, stood by his side. "your the one who kidnapped my sister"! i yelled. "i thought you said that your family got poisoned in your house"? I asked angrily. "they did, this is my aunt". Jimmy said. I then wore a shocked expression on my face. "enough of this"! yelled Mingleton. "bring out the girl"! he yelled and robots came charging at Tina's cell. "let me go"! she yelled. They then strapped her down to a bed. They then attached wires to her. Mingleton then picked up a remote with a green and red button. "now, sophie is it"? he said with an evil smirk at the end. It filled me up with rage. "you will cooperate with me". "like how"? "like staying here as my prisoner". I then looked away. "or your friends will be trapped here and they will get this". He then pressed the green button and tina's arms and legs straps began to tighten up and the wires started shocking her. "STOP"! "OW"! she yelled. Shadow then hugged me. "HELP ME"! she yelled more. "enough"! i yelled. Mingleton then stopped the machine and i saw tina crying and i started to cry. "ok, but only if you let my friends and sister go". "you have my word". he said coldly with an evil smirk on his face. (he gave me the chills). He then opened the cage, pulled me out and slammed the cage door quickly. "NO"! "I'm not leaving you, sophie"! yelled shadow. "actually, you are". yelled back Mingleton. He then pressed a yellow button and the cages went flying out of the base. "take sophie to her room and as for her sister, escort her out". "Well, can i get the emeralds back"? tina asked. Jeff Mingleton laughed evilly, then made a glare at the end. "do you think i'm an idiot"? he asked. "maybe". i thought to myself. "take her away, NOW"! he commanded. They then took her out of the base. "good try sis, good try". i thought in my head. I was then dragged by both of my arms and was thrown in a blue and purple room. "hey this looks like.....". I then saw Jimmy, sitting on his bed, facing the other direction. "Jimmy". I said in a disgusted way in my head. "you will be staying with jimmy". said one of the minions. "Do i have to"? i asked. "GET OVER IT"! he yelled and slammed the door behind him. I then sat in the corner, on the other side of the room, away from him.

My shadowy life (shadow the hedgehog love story) fanfiction  (#Wattys2014)Where stories live. Discover now