Chapter 19

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Chapter 19- Two lovers

Sonic's point-of-view: We all woke up from the explosion. Then the force field died down and disappeared. "Where's Metal Shadow"? asked tails. "He probably went back with eggman". answered blaze. "well, when he returns, will be ready for him". I said with confidence. "Hey, where is.......". We then saw shadow at sophie's side. "Shadow". I finished up. (i could feel my heart breaking, just by watching). Shadow then got on his knees and held sophie's head up, for her to breath. "shadow". she said real softly. "stay with me, sophie". said shadow holding her hand. "My life was never complete, until i met you". "You filled up the whole in my heart". she said trailing off. She began to lose a little consciousness and breath. "Please sophie, I love you more than what life is worth". Sophie then gave a weak smile. She then whispered "I will always love you". Shadow started tearing up. He then gave her a passionate kiss and held her in his arms. When he stopped kissing her, she lost consciousness and had no breath left in her. "sophie"? he said. But it was too late. She died in his arms. Shadow then began to cry. (i wish i could help the guy). Shadow stood up and started throwing things. "Why couldn't you have saved her"? he yelled to himself. "The second time you hurt yourself and will never get her back"! he yelled once more and started punching himself everywhere. "Shadow, buddy"? said silver. Shadow then turned around to face us. "It's not your fault". "IT IS"! It is my fault"! he yelled. "I couldn't save the person i love, again". He then turned to the side and cried. Amy and Blaze started to cry too and ran over to shadow. "Were sorry shadow". They both said and hugged him. Everyone else looked away. We then saw the helicopter land near us. "Hey guys"? said tina. "what did i miss"? She then saw sophie. She gasped. "SOPHIE"! "What happened"? It was then silent. "I said, what happened"? she said once more. Once again, no answer. Tina began to cry as well. She then ran over to chaz and hugged him tight. I then looked away, trying to hide my tears, until i saw, out of the corner of my eye, something glowing in sophie's pocket. "Shadow"? i called but shadow didn't answer. "Shadow, look at sophie". "How can i, knowing i couldn't save her"? he asked still looking away.  I then stomped over to him and smacked him in the back of the head. "WHAT DO YOU WANT, FAKER"? he yelled at the top of his lungs. "Look"! i yelled back. We all then saw the glowing in sophie's pocket grow. Shadow then walked over to her and looked in her pocket. "her love emerald". "when two lovers love each other for what it's worth, a miracle will happen". he said to himself. Shadow then held the emerald in his hands and put sophie's hand on it. Shadow then focused his power and the emerald's glow grew stronger and brighter. The light then blind us all until it completely stopped. We then saw sophie open her eyes. "sophie"? shadow said coming closer. "hey shadow". she responded. Shadow then grabbed a hold of her and squeezed her tight. "sophie, your back". he said still hugging her. Sophie then hugged back. They then let go and kissed each other passionately. Everyone then ran over to them, including me. We all exchanged hugs to sophie. "c'mon sophie". "let's head back to Sonic's". "yes sir". she said giving him one last hug. "wait, what about him"? asked knuckles pointing to jimmy, who was looking at the ground, depressed. "I'll take him". said chaz coming up to jimmy. "really, you want to adopt me"?  he asked. "Of course". Jimmy then hugged chaz tightly. "I have a dad"! "I actually have a dad"! he yelled. "c'mon then, jimmy". "We better get going". Jimmy then gave sophie a hug. "i'll miss you". he said in her ear. "I'll miss you too". "now, be good". she ordered. "ok". he said and ran into the helicopter. We all exchanged goodbye waves to jimmy as they flew away. "Now, let's head back to Sonic's". We all then grabbed the chaos emeralds we had and yelled "CHAOS CONTROL"! and vanished in a blink of an eye.

My shadowy life (shadow the hedgehog love story) fanfiction  (#Wattys2014)Where stories live. Discover now