Chapter: 14 Do You Belive in Ghosts?

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Chapter: 14

Aeliana's POV:

The Vampire Emissary was quiet as everyone was either doing their own thing in their rooms or taking a break from the recess that had taken place in the meeting room. Creighton and Azazel were somewhere around here as they were on break. My heels echoed down the hallway as it felt like a shadow has been following me, but there was no one there. My spirit senses were tingling and it felt strange. Many things have been happening here lately.

Alessandro Drake was not here and he wasn't waiting for me with a rose by my office door when I arrived there. I push the door open while being careful and peered into the dark space, but everything look okay. There was no one in the dark office at all. With a glance over my shoulder, I look around the hallway, but there was no one there. Even with my heightened hearing, there was nothing more than silence all around me. A soft sigh escape from my lips while entering my office once more. I don't know why I was feeling like I was being followed, but maybe it was the late nights that were getting to me, or maybe the daylight was.

As I took my seat at my desk and switch on the lamp, I look around my office once more and paused on the white easter lilies that were sitting on the coffee table. My eyes widen and then Alessandro popped into my mind as a soft frustrating sigh escaped from my lips. This man and his many attempts at wooing me. Never fails, but at least he got the kind of flowers that I like. With a soft sigh of resignation, I managed to push my tired body up onto my feet that were in black formal pumps. With ease, I glided over to the coffee table and took the card out of its holder. I carefully unfolded the little card while rolling my eyes and reading the words that were written there on the blank space of the card.

'You look even more beautiful than the first time that we met in the hallway of your palace. Do you still believe in ghosts, mi amore?' If my heart was still beating at the moment, it would be pumping furiously as my hand shook. My eyes widened at the card as this had to be a joke. Someone was playing a trick on me. My brother was infamous for his stupid little pranks that went too far. Did he think that he could fool me with this trick?

That was absurd! Too bad I wasn't gifted with the element of fire or this care will be history. I flung it back down onto the table with such force that it slid across the sleek coffee table. The white lilies were a beautiful reminder of someone that had died tragically. My brother made sure of it. So, this was his doing then. This was to rattle me up and say that he was here. That he had followed me out of Italy, but he was already here before I arrived on these shores. Could it be possible-? No, no, it can't.

I can't let myself get distracted right now. I need to focus. That's what I need to do right now. Focus. There was a girl trapped in darkness and I had managed to come up with two options for getting rid of that ancient soul inside of her, but I knew her mate wouldn't like the options. So, I'll do my best with these sessions and try to keep it at bay, but my magic can only do so much without causing her extreme pain. I rubbed the back of my neck while tilting my head to the side and walk over to my desk once more before taking a seat in my chair again. I turn around to face the window and gaze out to the quiet night.

For now.

"I see that you haven't gone to bed yet." A familiar voice came from the entryway as I look over to the door and saw my guards.

A smirk spread across my lips, "You guys haven't gone to bed either."

Creighton and Azazel were relaxed in the comfortable clothes of America. Typical wear for guys here in this backward country. I couldn't deny that they were quite attractive to whatever girl was lucky enough to catch their attention. Gray sweatpants for Azazel with that bright red hair of his and a black v-neck to match the sweats. Creighton had black comfy pants on and a white t-shirt on over his head as well. It certainly was different from the guard uniforms that they usually wear.

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