Chapter: 23 Pleasant Surprise

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Chapter: 23

Abigail's POV:

"Is she going to be okay, Irene?" I asked my sister as we sat on my bed together. 

My bed was underneath the window that overlooks the side of the house, the trees swaying lightly with the cold breeze as there was a light flurrying. My desk sat against the wall with my textbooks and laptop on it. A small bookcase next to it and my backpack in the chair. My closet was on the other side along with my dresser and a lacey white rug on the floor of my bedroom. My blue eyes met my sister's green-eye stare as she seem troubled by the news that we had learned about Skyler and the way that black spidery ink had formed on her chest. 

Irene was quiet as she glance up at the window and let out a soft sigh as she took my hand, "I don't know, but she better come back to us."

An amused smile spread across my lips, "I hope so too, Irene."

She gave a small smile as we lay there in silence while glancing at the clock on the inn table and gave a soft sigh before sitting up, "I better get back to my room so I can get some sleep."

I nodded while watching my sister leave my room and close the door behind her. I hope she is right that she will come back to us. Is there nothing that we can do to save her from this terrible curse that was laid upon the wolves and the witches? She has been fighting such a hard battle and causing herself such pain as well. A soft shiver went down my spine while I rolled over onto my back and pulled down my pink tank top that had matching shorts too. My feet were covered with white socks that kept me warm as it was cold outside. 

Irene was right about getting some sleep right now, but I don't know if I can go to sleep. All of my thoughts were on Skyler and the curse that was getting the better of her. Her body was already acting against it like an infectious disease. The way that she had described the ancient battle scene was enough to give me nightmares of my own, but she had to see it for herself from that ancient witch that wouldn't leave her alone. There must be a connection between what is going on now and the beginning, right? 

There has to be something that we are missing, but what? What could we possibly do that could save her from the ancient curse? Her parents were lucky enough to have her, but at what cost? My mind was beginning to hum with pain as I rolled onto my side and got underneath the covers. I close my eyes briefly while beginning to think of someone that had been on my mind recently.

The guy that had walked into the coffee shop-the one that guards the Queen of The Vampires while she is visiting. He was beautiful to look at and my stomach feel all twisted up. It was strange to feel like that, but maybe it was my imagination playing games on me. It wouldn't be the first time that I had imagined such things, but then again. I was a hopeless romantic in every way that was possible. A soft sigh escaped from my lips while turning over onto my side and snuggling underneath my covers. 

My eyes closed as I try to push all of my thoughts to the side so I can go to sleep and so far. I managed to doze off before something hit my window with a soft sound. Turning over and opening my eyes to the window that I heard that sound coming from, there was another thumping sound that came. Was I imagining this? I push myself up into a sitting position while throwing my legs over to the side and walk over to the window. I look outside to see nothing, but shadows dancing in the soft sliver of moonlight. 

I was confused while looking around and my breath fogged up the glass and I frown at my ruffle reflection. With a shake of my head, I turn away from the window until there was another thump that startled me. My heart pounded away in my chest as I turn around and face the window again. There was movement on the ground and I tilted my head in confusion, but then a familiar face appeared out of the shadows. My entire body started to hum in response to seeing the man below me. 

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