Chapter: 17 Let The Drama Begin

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Chapter: 17

Lea's POV:

I had parked the jeep as far as I could in the forest that we were traveling, but it was getting too thick for a large vehicle to cross through. We had to switch to our wolf forms. The whole drive here had been tense silence and the both of us haven't uttered one peep to each other at all. For some reason, I had the instinct feeling to glance down at my phone in my hand. There was nothing there after I had opened it up to see the screen. No text. No missed phone calls at all. I was confused and not entirely sure why I had that feeling. 

The feeling of being watched made me snap my eyes up to see my mate giving me a raised eyebrow, but I shook my head and place my phone in the back pocket as Marcus pulled a map of the reservation out from his back pocket while placing it on the hood of the jeep. Of course, he had to be taller than me and I had to stretch myself up onto my tip toes while looking at the map. His arm came around my waist while lifting me up as I snapped, "I know I am short, but I am not a rag doll." He let me go immediately and I ended up on my butt on the ground. 

He was not looking at me at all, but I could tell by his clenched jaw that he was angry with me again. With an angry growl, I shot back up to my feet while keeping the distance between us. I lean up on the tire to hoist myself up and glance down at the reservation that was in front of us, but I couldn't help to look at him. His jaw was still clenched tightly as his olive skin was flawless, he had high cheekbones and a perfectly sculpted face. He could be an underwear model with his looks as his black hair fell across his forehead before falling behind his ears. It was short, but kind of long for a guy. I didn't mind the look at all and his eyes met mine before I look away from him to the map. 

He didn't say anything which was frustrating, but it had been like this for a while now. I didn't know what to do with this infuriating male that was always trying my patience and trying to tell me what to do. He had another thing coming as I don't roll over and take it. Plus, my jealousy doesn't help at all. I hated seeing them together knowing they had some history with each other. My mate was a complete stranger to me and I didn't know a single thing about him except the fact that he had fought alongside my evil brother Dorian.

His voice finally wash over my ears and I sigh with relief to hear that familiar voice as my wolf felt the same way, "It looks like they had taken this route, but I am unsure as their scents had faded away. This is a ridiculous mission that your brother set us on." 

"Finding our parents isn't ridiculous." I had stated strongly while giving him a narrow look while continuing, "They haven't contacted us in a while now and they were supposed to."

"Not to mention finding Skyler's parents as well." He added quietly.

"Now, that is a ridiculous mission." I threw back at him while falling back to the ground and landed gracefully on my feet while moving to the bushes to get rid of my clothes. 

"I don't know why we must continue this charade, Lea." He finally spoke about what was truly on his mind. 

I voice myself loudly so that he could hear me, "Why don't you ask yourself this question? Why does Ivory know everything about you, but you haven't told me a single thing about you? Instead, you keep insisting that we are mates and have hot moments, but not sharing with each other. It makes me absolutely sick to watch you two."

That seem to shut him up before I shifted in my wolf while strutting out my clothes and gave him a look. A look of surprise flashed across his face as a smirk spread across those lips of his that had kissed me so many times now. There were butterflies fluttering through my stomach and my wolf practically purred at how gorgeous he was. Finally, he was able to speak to me as he seem to have gathered his thoughts, "Because you haven't asked a single question or had any interest in asking me. You kept giving me the third-degree burn."

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