Deans P.O.V

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Blood. It covered the walls. It covered me. It covered everything. I couldn't see. I stumbled around delerious until my eyes ujusted to the unnatural lighting. What I saw stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Sam-Sammy?" I croaked out in a barley audible whisper. He was lying on the ground bleeding out, with what looked like a gunshot wound in is stomach. I stumbled over to him an knelt down. "Sammy. It's gonna be okay Sammy. Everything with be okay. I love you. Hang in there." He flinched away from me and looked up at me with hurt in his eyes.

"How could you do this Dean?" He whispered. His breathing became shallow and I wrapped my shirt around him in a compress.

"Shh. It's okay. Please Sammy stay with me." An evil laughter echoed around the room. I knew that laugh, but I couldn't place the name. Sam's eyes widened in a sudden realization.

"He did this Dean. He made you do this. I-I forgive you. Yo-you need to-to get out of he-here. I love you Jerk." He said those last words with a faint smile, and his eyes slowly glased over.

"NO!" I screamed. "CAS HELP ME!" I don't know why I was yelling for Cas but I couldn't let Sam die. I worked furiously. I tried to stop the bleeding, but Sam was gone. I cried and held him for as long as I could until my face was numb from crying.

"You did this Dean. You killed him. It's your fault everybody died. And now you killed our brother. Look behind you Dean." The voice chilled my bone marrow as I turned around. What I saw could have killed me.

"You!" I sputtered.

"No Dean. You. Think hard." The person I once admired, I once held with the upmost respect, the one who made me who I am said. The memory came flooding back with the force of a tidal wave. I killed Sammy. I thought as I fell to the ground next to my brothers lifeless body. The gun. The voices. Sam on his knees looking up at me in pain. Bang! One shot. Bang! Two shots. Sammy falling over clutching is stomach. The blood everywhere. Somthing cold burned against my skin. I reached my hand into my pocket, and pulled out a .47 Colt. I opened the chamber...

Two bullets were gone.

I heard and earsplitying shriek of agony, and I blacked out.

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