Cas's P.O.V.

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She hopped back in the car and I started at her. "What's with the bow and quiver?" I asked. She smiled. Somthing me and Tala-that's my nickname for her-came up with along time ago." She explained. I started driving. "The will kill almost anything." She added.


"Even angels? Yes." She said. "The shaft is pure iron. The head of the arrow is a combination of melted Angels blade and silver. The arrows explode in holy fire on impact. And inside the quiver they have been soaking in holy water, dead mans blood, and rock salt. Not to mention the bow it's self can be used as a weapon. It has steel edges." She explained.

"Holy shit. You guys made that when you were what...8? 9? 10?" I asked. She noded.

"Tala...was inventive. Even for her age she was the best hunter I knew...even my dad couldn't believe some of the stuff she came up with." She explained. We drove to the inn.

"Help me out this sticker on." I said. We put the sticker on the windshield, and nodded is approval. We went inside...with only a few dirty looks for carrying a bow inside an inn. She knocked on the door, then hid behind me. I looked at her quizzically.

"I-I am kind of afraid to meet them." She explained. I sighed.

"Don't worry, they are actually really nice. Just...don't mention clippers or scissors around Sam. He is defensive of his hair." I assured her. Dean opened the door.

"Hey Cas! What took you so long? You were gone for like...4 hours!" He questioned me. I walked inside.

"Where have you been?" Sam asked me. I rolled my eyes.

"You two sound like my mother...or father whatever." I complained. Dean smirked.

"Mm sassy cassy!" He laughed at me. "But seriously where did you go?"

"I kidnapped your step-niece." I said stepping to the side to reveal Sarah. Dean and Sam both nearly had a heart attack. She looked up at them.

"Hi." She said.

The Bow and Arrow idea I came up with about a month ago. My friend Wolf55309 told me to put dead mans blood in there. Vote if you think that it's a boss AF idea!

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