Sarah's P.O.V.

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I woke up and looked around. Crowley went back to Hell, Dean was on the couch, and Sam and Cas each had one of the beds. I was sleeping on the floor in front of the door. I carefully got up and grabbed my bag and bow off the table. Ever notice how when your doing somthing stealthily...everything seems louder? I swiped Deans keys to make sure I wouldn't be followed. I snuck out the door, down the hallway, and made my way to the parking lot. I broke out into a run and took off, flying high. I got to a place where I knew there wouldn't be any human eyes and I teleported. I looked around again and saw a sign. Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Perfect! Now I just need to find her. I took off again, this time flying low, sweeping the area for any, unnatural signs. I saw a fire and landed a few yards away. It was only a group of campers. I sighed and took off again. I kept flying until dawn, where I stopped to rest for a while. My phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Where the hell are you!" I heard Deans voice yell. I sighed.

"I'm going to find her!" I snapped.

"No! It's too dangerous! How do you know where she is anyways!" He demanded. I mentally slapped myself.

"Um...there has been a lot of strange reports up here of a strange creature, a human like figure. With wings." I said.

"Why didn't you tell us!" Dean asked.

"One I found out yesterday. Two she would run if she saw you guys. At least I am a familiar face!" I yelled.

"Don't move we are coming to get you!" Dean stated. I laughed.

"How Ya gonna find me?" I asked.

"Tracker in your phone." He replied.

"Fuck!" I yelled and turned off the phone, then threw it in the lake. I started walking through the woods. 5 hours later I sat down to rest. I really hated exercising. We exorcise not exercise. Seriously. I decided to take a nap. When I finally woke up I checked the time and realized it was 10 at night. I ate a quick snack and took off again. I flew towards a cliff I had spotted earlier. The stench of sulfer was everywhere. I landed in a small clearing. I heard the faint sound of Latin. I crept toward the sound until I spotted a girl around 13, performing a summoning ritual. I was about to step out when all of a sudden lucifer appeared. I crouched down and waited. Lucifer smiled at the girl.

"Long time no see. It's been what, 13 years?" Lucifer asked. I couldn't see the girls reaction since her back was turned to me.

"Yes. It has. All though, I can't think straight now can I? It's hard having two personalities!" The girl yelled.

"You should have stayed in Hell with us then!" Lucifer snapped.

"Well whose cockbrained idea was it to send me here?! Yours! I hate you! I hate all of you!" The girl shouted. I don't know why, or how, but lucifer flinched at that as though he had been punched.

"Why did you summon me anyways?" He asked.

"You know why! I want to know who I was before i lived in Hell. Who my family was, who I was." She said.

"WE are your family! WE raised you! WE took you in when you died!" Lucifer yelled. "And either way! I cannot tell you! As much as I want to I can't! I made a deal!"

"You are no family of mine." The girl said coldly. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean it-no! You are not my family-lucifer im sorry I don't mean it you raised me I-no! You abandoned me-I'm sorry lucifer-" the girl went back and forth contradicting herself. With each personality switch her body shimmered like a spirit, like a computer glitch. Lucifer looked pained. The girl was on the ground, writhing in pain. "Help me!" She begged. Lucifer looked away. The girl spoke a word of Latin and lucifer was gone. She stood up and turned around. Her face was pale and sunken in, dark bags under her eyes from lack of sleep. Her silver eyes were clouded with tears and red from crying. She wiped her eyes and all looks of pain ceased, replaced with a look of determination.

"If he won't tell me. I know someone who will." I heard her mutter through clenched teeth. She turned back around and started another summoning spell. I knew this spell. It wasn't good. I stepped out into the open. She whipped around, and smiled.

"Hello Sarah." She said, and her eyes turned black.

Sorry for not updating I got in trouble and my mom took my iPod! 😩

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