Dean's P.O.V.

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Holy shit Cas was kissing me. Damn. I just started to kiss him back when he jerked away.

"Dean I'm sorry-I..." He turned and ran into the woods. I ran after him. After about 25 minutes the snow started to fall again and his footprints were covered up.

"Cas?" I called out. All I got in response was my own echo and an owl call. All of a sudden my legs gave out and I couldn't move. What did Cas say? Hypothermia? Oh no, I need to get back home. Mom will know how to fix this. I need to find Dad and get back home. I stumbled around in the clearing. A figure walked towards me.
"Jess? What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be with Sammy?" Why are you all bundled up? It's not cold out is it?" I asked. The figure came closer and I realized it wasn't Jess. The girl, around 12, had dark brown straight hair, and deep green eyes. A thousand freckles were plastered accross her nose and cheeks. She was wearing jeans and a gray jacket. She held a shy but defiant gaze.
"Who are you?" I tried to ask her but it came out all slurred like I was drunk.

"Who am I? Well I don't know. Call me Crow. Who are you? I know you aren't from around here. You have a brother and are traveling with two girls and a man in a trench coat." She said. I stumbled back. Was she a demon? How did she know? She laughed. "I'm not going to hurt you. I am simply wondering why you are trudging around on my land, scaring all the animals in a fifty mile radius with your ridiculous screaming."

"Your land? You live here?" I asked her.

"Yup. Have for 4-5ish years." She jerked her head up and squinted at the sky. "Night is falling. Hurry up. I'll take you back to your camp." I shook my head.

"Not till I find Sammy!" I yelled. She looked at me funny and then her eyes grew wide in realization.

"I need to get you back to your camp. You have hypothermia. I will find your friend, Cas. Sammy is back at your camp. She walked toward me. "Idiot" she muttered. "Why the Hell are you barefoot and shirtless in the middle of a blizzard?" She called out somthing and I saw a wolf pack come out of the woods. "They won't hurt you." She said.
"Nyx. Lupa. Run back to the den and fetch a jacket and some moccasins for my friend here." Two of the wolves ran off.

"A girl." I said.

"Huh?" She asked.

"That's why I'm dressed like this. I had to dive into the lake to save a girl. Huh, the girl kindof looks like you, but with black hair and gray eyes, and a lot meaner looking." I explained. Crow's face grew pale and then she drew her knife.

"We will talk about this later. Right now, put these on." She handed me a pair of moccasins and a deerskin jacket. "Regina, Luna, Nyx, Bliz, Lupa. Go ahead and scout the camp. Report back to me if...she's there. I will bring him back." All but two of the wolves ran off. "Freezel, Wintra. Help me carry him." The next thing I knew I was lying accross the two wolves back, running at breakneck speed. I glanced back to see if Crow was keeping up but turns out she was flying beside us. I blinked. Since when does she have wings? They looked like Eagles wings, a deep brown, but slightly lighter than her hair. We stopped at the edge of the clearing. Five of the wolves appeared. They spoke somthing to her and she nodded. "I can't come with you into your camp. The girl is still there. It would be a danger to her and to me if my presence was known. She helped me up and handed me a small leather pouch.

"What's this?" I asked. She smiled.

"That stuff that looks like Birch bark? It's Chaga. Put it in water and heat it until it becomes a tea. Drink a cup everyday to help regain your strength and to ease pain. There are two tarps in there, clear a patch of snow, lay down the tarp, build and igloo, and put another tarp ontop of you guys. It sounds wierd but trust me, it's warm. That's a map to get out of here and back to the main road, which will take you to a town called Ely. Just say you were stranded. They will help. Everybody around here helps. I know you all brought food but I could tell you did not plan to stay for a few days. There is also a bit of tin in there, use it to boil water. Oh and the main snow and cold for the week will be over in a few days, by then you should be able to start the snowmobiles and ride out of here, well, after you find what your looking for." She explained.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing to an ancient looking thing. She laughed.

"That's a talisman. It will ward off possession, and also if you need me, just hold onto it and call my name. It's made out of Willow bark, Hawk bone, and Iron." She told me. I looked at her.

"Why are you helping us?" I asked. She sighed sadly.

"A long time ago, there was a little girl up here who was stranded by herself, nobody was around to help her. She is still in...critical condition. Since then I have made it my job to help people. Giving them directions, showing them how to make shelters, giving them food and what not. You could almost say I'm a...ultimate survival guide." She answered. I nodded.

"Well, thanks a lot Crow. Who knows, without you I would probably be freezing to death out there right now."
I turned to walk to walk to camp when she grabbed my arm.

"Whatever you do, that girl you rescued? Do. Not. Trust. Her. And don't let her know about the talisman. And, watch out for the other girl too." I agreed and walked into the clearing, I turned around to say thanks again, but she was gone. Along with the wolves. Vanished.


Holy crap this book sucks. Alright bye!


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